Forsaken, when I was applying for Masters in 2009, I got in Columbia anthro MA program, which was then a one year only program and it was super expensive. I finally went to NYU to get my Masters in an interdisciplinary program in humanities. That means, prior to this application circle, I did not have any specific theory or methodology training in anthro or any disciplinary program, and I always thought that was something that would put me on a bit of (probably tremendous) disadvantage. However I did get into two pretty good programs in anthro with funding and I also get into a Ph.D program in English (fully funded) - English is not even my first language! So all I want to say now, echoing one of the POIs that I visited a week ago, is that let your research speaks for itself. You can definitely go for a Latin American studies program now and craft a research plan that would get you into the anthro program that you want. In fact, You should go for any Master program with the mindset and confidence that it will lead you to a great Ph.D. Congratulations.