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Posts posted by psychdork

  1. You are definitely not the only one! I'm waitlisted at 2 schools, and basically have yet to hear from 7...which I am pretty much taking as a bad sign. Meanwhile my friends seem to be getting acceptances right and left (I'm happy for them, I swear I am, and it's to different programs, but still it stings). I seem to be on the edge of tears all the time. Things that I would usually just brush off are leading to me sobbing my eyes out. And on top of it all, I'm so concerned I won't get my masters thesis done in time. I'm so behind in it. I just feel like I'm failing... My real life friends keep telling me to be positive but it is so hard, and they really don't get it, and I really don't expect them to until they go through this.

    I do agree that exercise helps, and I have been running every other day. But of course, right when I really need to run I'm taking a few days off do make sure I'm not aggravating an old injury...

  2. Looks like I got totally shut out. Not even a single invitation to interview anywhere. I was aiming high but still thought I'd at least be competitive.

    I applied to:

    UCSD - (Only school that officially got back to me on their own relatively promptly with a reject)

    UC Davis - Emailed professor today to confirm rejection.


    NYU - "We regret to inform you that we had over 200 applications and that although your application is competitive, you did not make the short list."

    Michigan State - Emailed POI today to confirm.

    Washington State - This was the last place I was holding out hope for, but emailed POI today and he said that I might be on the backup list but they were interviewing other people, so it seems unreasonable to still hold onto much of any hope at this point.

    I am defeated.

    Sorry Weizzarred, that sucks. Believe me, I've been there. :-(

    Out of curiousity, did you apply to MSU's social psych program or cog psych?

  3. I am thisclose to emailing the POI at my top choice and asking right out if he knows if I got in or not... :( I can't handle the waiting. I just want to email him so he'll tell me and I can move on with my life. :o

    I completely relate! My top choice doesn't have a way for me to check my status online. Today I almost emailed the grad secretary to just see when I should hear anything (so far it's been crickets), but right now having this school as one of my options is what is keeping hope alive. The only thing that kept me from not contacting them was the fear of them saying that it is a rejection...just not sure I could deal with that today. Any of my other schools I think I could handle the rejection today, but not this one.

  4. Exactly this! Sigh.

    Plus I just want to go email crazy and email all the graduate secretaries/DGSes/whoever to inquire if decisions have been sent out yet. I don't particularly understand why this is so frowned upon - you'd think that grad programs would enjoy alleviating the stress of our currently fragile minds - but I've heard that it's not proper practice.

    I decided at the beginning of the year that I would wait until mid-March to contact my programs (by then everything except waitlists should be clear...) but let me tell you I came so close to emailing them today. Based on the results page, several programs have held interviews and I'm pretty sure my app has been rejected at these schools. All I want is for these schools to just tell me already! That way I can cross them off my list and can focus on my remaining schools. My advisor keeps telling me to be patient, but I, like you and so many others, am so tired of being patient.

  5. Background: A classmate applied to some of the same programs I did at the last minute. Classmate's application is not as strong as mine but still decent.

    This was a conversation I had with a friend who knows this classmate. Friend is also applying to PhD programs this year but in a different specialty.

    Me: "Classmate got accepted to *school-we-both-applied-to*. I haven't heard a thing. <insert expletives here>"

    Friend: "Oh...did you hear she has a publication?"

    Note: I didn't remind Friend that I too have a publication... Is it too much to ask for a "I'm sorry" or something of that nature?

  6. Got a response from one of my inquiries, saying that 4 offers were made and 2 people have already accepted but 2 are still pending. My POI said to keep him posted about my plans and interest to the program. Does that essentially mean I'm wait-listed? Should I just tell him that they're one of my top choices and I would accept if granted admission? You think that would help at all, or at least put me higher on the alternate list?

    Based on my experience with emails like that it does indeed sound like you are on the waitlist. Because your POI said to keep him posted about your interest, I would tell him that they are one of your top choices (as long as that is the case). I don't know if it would help anything but the way I see it, it can't hurt.

  7. I posted this on the Social Psych page but just in case someone here knows something (anything!) about these schools...

    Has anyone heard anything (social psych related) from:

    ~Penn State



    ~Michigan State

    ~Loyola (Chicago)

    I think some of these schools won't send out notifications for another week or so, but I'm getting really impatient. As I said on another page, at this point I really just want to know if I should cross the school off my list or still keep hoping.

  8. This is my third time applying so I've had to go through the Plan B route several times. I thought that this time I wouldn't have to come up with yet another Plan B but here I am. I've gotten better (more positive) responses from grad schools this time but still no acceptances (yet). I think my Plan B would be to take an extra semester to finish my master's thesis so I could run the full design I originally wanted instead of having had to make cuts. I would also see if my university would let me keep my job for the next year so I would have some income. Also, I would consider re-taking the GRE (ugh). My scores are actually pretty decent, but I think that if there is one thing wrong with my application it is that my scores aren't as high as other applicants (though still way above the minimum requirement).

    In a weird way, I actually wouldn't mind taking an extra semester to finish my master's thesis study and have used that to spin my Plan B in a positive light.

  9. Like everyone else has said it really depends on the program. Two of my schools held interviews recently and just sent out acceptances. I did not get an interview at either, however, one school rejected me while the other placed me on the waitlist. It just depends unfortunately. I'm pretty much assuming that if I don't interview then I will be rejected, that way if I am waitlisted I can be pleasantly surprised but that is just me.

  10. And the number one question: "Do you have any questions?". Everyone will offer to answer your questions all day. Have some prepared, and pace yourself! If you forget to ask something, don't worry, they'll ask again later if you have any questions. :)

    This for sure! I also interviewed at an experimental psych phd program on Friday (based on the questions you listed crazygirl2012, I'm almost convinced we were at the same interview!) and I was asked this question multiply times by all of the faculty I interviewed with as well as the grad students. I was easily asked this question 20+ times that day. I had some questions prepared ahead of time and I thought of others while I was there. I also found it very helpful to listen to the questions (and the subsequent responses) the other prospective students asked.

    Main questions I was asked:

    Why are you interested in this program?

    What do you know about my (my POI's) research?

    I'm currently working with a specific ethnic group, so I was asked why I am interested in this group.

    Questions about my CV (mainly previous research projects)

    What are my general research interests?

    Overall I found the whole experience pretty laid back, though I was absolutely exhausted by the time the interview was over.

  11. I'm really behind on my master's thesis, at least in terms of where I wanted to be at this point of the semester. I should be able to get caught up if I really focused but so far no such luck. It doesn't help that by the time I catch up on emails/whatever else going on, I'm too tired to work on it. Still tonight i did my taxes instead of writing the method section. Yes, I did get my taxes done, so it was a productive procrasination, but I didn't need to get them done tonight!

  12. Does anyone know if Michigan State's social program sent out notifications yet? They usually send out acceptances late January but so far the results page is empty. All of MSU's other psych programs have sent out notifications so far so I'm not sure if they are behind, or if the recipients aren't on gradcafe.

  13. I love all the suggestions for songs to add. Some I've already had on my playlist, but I've found the others very appropriate, or sometimes amusing. Thanks for the playlist Dr_Allport (love the name btw), I've been listening to it constantly.

    Anyway, I have a few contributions to add:

    Tell Me On A Sunday - Song & Dance (I always associate this song with rejections)

    I'll Make a Man Out of You - Mulan (don't ask, it came up on spotify a couple weeks ago but it just seems appropriate for the whole process)

    Maybe This Time - Glee (because this isn't my first time applying this song has been my anthem for some time)

  14. Good point. It's really the next few months that require the most time sensitive work. If everything goes well (or at least somewhat well) then I should be fine, and if it doesn't and I am concerned I'll ask my program(s) then. Thanks fuzzylogician!

  15. Hi all,

    I'm probably overthinking this, but I would like your opinion just to help settle my nerves.

    I'm currently working on my masters thesis which I plan to finish about a month before I would start a PhD program (assuming I am accepted somewhere). One of my fears is that I will not get my thesis completed in time. I am already behind schedule (some part my fault, some part due to forces beyond my control...IRB) and August is coming closer and closer. One of my advisors mentioned that if I do not finish in time, and am accepted at a PhD program, my current department would let me finish my thesis that fall semester while also enrolled at my PhD institution. He said that many schools do not have a problem with this arrangement. Obviously this is not an ideal situation, and it is something I hope will not happen, but it did make me feel a little better.

    So I have an interview coming up in a few weeks and would like to ask if the university would allow me to do be dual enrolled if this worst case scenario were to happen. That is would the PhD program let me finish my thesis while enrolled at the PhD institution. Is this a reasonable question? My concern is that the school might see this questions in a negative light (perhaps that I cannot finish things in time, or might use this an excuse or something). Regardless of their answer I am still planning on finishing everything in time but I would like to know this just in case.

  16. I'm here to commiserate with you all.

    I decided last month that if I got an interview I would only tell a few people, and make them promise to keep it a secret. I really do not want the extra pressure of everyone knowing (even if this pressure is just "all in my head"). However, I didn't realize how hard it is not to say anything to everyone else! Several of my friends posted on facebook today that they have interviews and it is so hard not to post anything, or go tell Prof. So-and-so that I have one (my department is very gossipy so I'm nervous that if I tell something to certain profs, everyone will know everything).

    I really need to go buy a new suit, and I really need to start reviewing my POI's research interests. On top of an already crazy semester.

    I'm also nervous because part of this interview is a group interview and so I will have to be a little more assertive than I usually am (without going overboard).

    Was anyone else surprised with their reaction? I basically checked my phone, saw that I got an email, and then turned off my phone like it was any other email. I even remember telling myself that I should be smiling! It's not that I'm not happy I got it, but I had thought I would be really excited and instead it was almost like I had no reaction. One of my friends said that its probably that it hasn't hit me yet which makes sense given everything recently but it was still weird.

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