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Status Updates posted by noodles.galaznik

  1. Laziest summer ever. It was absolutely delightful.

  2. Applications...urrrff. I predict the next 8 months to be full of tummy troubles and crippling anxiety.

  3. How do you get past what profs say that puts you down and makes you feel like a loser? Euugh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. noodles.galaznik


      I met with them because I was considering working with them and applying to the program for my PhD, but no way. They made me feel small, stupid, and completely incompetent. Basically, they made it clear they thought I had no place in grad school. Glad I know that we wouldn't mesh now so I can cross that program off my list. I can't even imagine spending 5-7 years working with them.

    3. fuzzylogician


      Good thinking. A healthy relationship with your advisor is crucial for maintaining sanity during the process and success at the end. A good one will build you up, not put you down. Those are just small nasty people who we have to learn to ignore. Good luck with your search, I'm sure the right advisor is out there :)

    4. noodles.galaznik


      True! Just gotta keep searching. I think I've been spoiled with the advisor I have for my MA--he is pretty awesome in just about every way.

  4. Already freaking out about applications I'll be submitting eight months from now. Holy crap.

    1. Rachel B

      Rachel B

      Just stay organized. Definitely plan things out and keep a calendar. It'll make things way easier!

  5. Thesis committee has been successfully assembled!!

  6. Is the first semester always deceptively easy? I think I might get destroyed this spring.

  7. I have officially survived one month of grad school...YAEEY

  8. Orientation tomorrow! O_o

    1. Neuronista
    2. noodles.galaznik


      Oh, I enjoyed every minute of it! Except for the super uncomfortable seats we had to sit on for 4 hours. :P

  9. I got a late acceptance! I'm going to grad school! YAAAAEEEY!

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. noodles.galaznik


      Thanks everyone!!! @theregalrenegade: I'm going for the MA in Sociology/Crim...hopefully an anthro PhD down the road. :)

    3. theregalrenegade
    4. CitizenHobbes



  10. "I've got soul, but I'm not a soldier" doesn't really make much sense to me. Isn't it a bit like saying, "I've got ham, but I'm not a hamster?" or, "I've got wind, but I'm not a window"?

    1. Gvh


      The fact that one of their lines is "Are we human or are we dancer" says it all really.

    2. theregalrenegade


      The band is from Vegas, what do you expect? ;-)

    3. noodles.galaznik


      Ohhh, so true. It seems that I'm befuddled by many song lyrics these days. :P

  11. Gah. Why do applications have to be so stressful?! On the bright side, all of this anxiety has led to some stress-induced weight loss...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zouzax


      me too. i have a gray patch dedicated to last year's application cycle. but hey! congrats on the weight loss haha

    3. runonsentence


      I'm jealous, mine was all weight GAIN! ;)

    4. noodles.galaznik


      Oh, usually when I'm this stressed it tends to be weight gain, but for some reason the uncertainty of the whole deal has really just destroyed my appetite! :P

  12. Done with undergrad. Now what?!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. noodles.galaznik


      I wish I could take a break...but I've got moving+wedding+making changes to my thesis. Oy! Kind of makes me happy I'm only a non-degree seeking student for this fall!

    3. Zouzax



    4. hopehope


      wedding is the most fun part! cannot forget the fun we had in my wedding last fall! Enjoy it most and congrats!

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