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Posts posted by stanzi

  1. The pertinent question here is: how long ago did your POI email you the bolded bit? If it's been a few weeks, I say ask, ask away, whichever question you wish to ask. Even if it's only been a week or so, I'd probably still email. It's not quite crunch time yet, but it will be soon -- I should think (hope) anyone involved with the PhD admissions process would understand that applicants need to know whatever information is available so they can plan their LIVES.

    I really think that worries about being the pesky applicant at this time are unfounded, so long as our emails or calls are polite and not insane sounding. Like I said above, we have to plan our LIVES based on their decisions. I desperately want to hear about whether I've made it off the waitlist so I can sign an apartment lease, leave/stay at my job, etc. This decision will shape my life for the next year or few years. Isn't it understandable that we want to know?

    Good luck, andiepants!

    Thanks for your reasoning... she sent it three weeks ago. I am going to ask but I'll wait until Monday.

    Going away for the weekend and I'm going to try not to think about all this for at least a couple days, for the sake of mine and my partner's sanity!

  2. I need some advice, because obviously I'm not thinking with a clear head these days.

    My POI from my first pick program notified me that they can't make me an offer due to lack of funding (aka someone better got it grrr). After a couple exchanges back and forth, she wrote "We can't promise anything because queen's rule is 18,000 minimum per year for 4 years, it is impossible to create promises before funding packages are in place. If you have other offers that have deadlines, I suggest you take what is secured; but if you can wait, that's great, too."

    ok so obviously I'm hanging off the last bit - but since I have not heard from my last school, should I email her and ask her if I'm on a waitlist? Or how to improve my application should I reapply next year... or is silence golden at this point? I really don't want or need to be that pesky applicant. <BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

  3. I don't have much to go on as there doesn't seem to be any applicants to Women's Studies at York here (past or present). Except for the one person who submitted their rejection on March 25th....

    That's the only bit of hope I have, drowned the rest of it with whiskey, chinese food and bad b-movies.

  4. Not sure if this is under the right section but here goes. After interviewing at a school I received an email by one of the professors I had interviewed with stating that I had been recommended for admission and will get the details in the mail later. I emailed back saying how excited I was and the school was one of my top choices and he replied back saying they would be happy to have me here. Well I never got any official letter in the mail but in the meantime I was accepted at another school and liked it better so I went ahead and accepted it. I then called the original school and left a voicemail saying I was declining their offer. I also emailed the professor who emailed me with the news to be polite. Next thing I know the program coordinator emailed me back saying I was never offered admission in the first place so I didn't have to decline anything. I was really taken aback, it sounded a bit rude to me but I know tone doesn't translate well over email.

    So was it a case of me misunderstanding the Prof's email or did he lead me on? I've heard of departments recommending someone for admission but because the candidate didn't meet the minimum requirements of the school it didn't happen. I don't think that was the case with me since I met all the requirements.

    I understand how you feel- I had a similar situation occur. except I wanted to accept their offer. couple weeks later I hear they didn't admit me... As much as we all DIE to hear something positive from the program or POI, I think they should restrict what they say until they know for sure. meh.

  5. Hello again to everyone,

    I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record...unsure.gif

    It has been two weeks (!) since the program replied to my email inquiry, with nothing but "we're still deciding, keep checking website", ignoring my question concerning a waitlist. So I don't even know where things stand, if a waitlist exists and if I'm on it, or if they really haven't finished deciding.

    Is now the time to contact the POI?

    I'm really getting paranoid that they forgot about me, although I know it's probably impossible. Is there anything I can do? I want to show interest, to make a sound. I mean, I know usually the POI can't do anything about it, but what if they can? I want to make sure I'm not giving up on this.

    Thanks in advance for any advice

    I say wait more- I'm in the same boat. Give it til mid week then email your POI..

  6. I had this dream yesterday that I finally got a huge package in the mail from a school I haven't heard from yet. I excitedly opened the large envelope - and out fluttered a single sheet of big paper that said : NO!

    I was so freaked out I woke myself up!

    Ugh. This process is turning me into a crazy person!!

    HAHA I've had similar dreams except they were more on the yes side... only to wake up and realize that I AM STILL WAITING TO HEAR! Worse then freddy.

  7. @serenewinds

    Yeah you're absolutely right. I never thought I would care much about my Queens application. But when the rejection came I was sooo down that it took me at least a couple of days to recover. Just hang in tight. We all will get something positive..... :)

    Yup Queens hurt the most- mostly because the two profs who agreed to work with me were very optimistic. I also had an email from the program telling me that my application was very strong and I stood a good chance. so much for that (they really shouldn't do that). For everyone who hasn't heard from some PhD programs (this includes me), I say we don't get too negative- you just never know. What's the point of walking around all bummed out without a solid reason?!

    And just to put everything in perspective, if our biggest worry in life at the moment is indeed PhD acceptance- I'd say we have it pretty good. The fact that we have applied means we do have serious ambitions- lets not let a few people on a committee dictate our happiness and success.

    I know it burns- cause I feel it too... now to take my own advice and let all this stress go

  8. so this is twisted, but it is what this process has turned me into. SO finally got an accept, but now i am starting to think it is a mistake. the email said it would show up on my online student account, but nothing there so far... and i have read the horror stories posted on this board. sorry i just needed to vent my irrationality (my friends and family can't take it anymore...). i think i have PTSD from my other rejections...

    CONGRATS!!! I would say not to worry- website updating probably takes time to go through etc etc. CELEBRATE! Me... yup still waiting. tick tock tick tock

  9. I called a few weeks ago and was told they will be sending out emails at the end of April.

    That is crazy. This process totally eludes me. A lot of programs had early deadlines for their offers- whose going to wait around to see if they'd been waitlisted! What happens if their A lists decline and by the time they get to B or C, those people have already taken other offers... bah.

  10. Apologies for not seeing this sooner. I called the program and they Emailed me yesterday.

    No probs- I'm still waiting. I've come to terms with the wait and this week I've been pretty good at not obsessing! At this stage in the game it doesn't look to good... but here's hoping!

  11. well at least you are still in the ranks. i guess it is not THAT late in the canadian process to still not "know".

    thanks for that info! it means a lot ! in terms of uvic and uwo - nothing. nothing from sfu either. bad bad bad. i just lost all hope from uwo knowing now that first round has indeed gone out. blah.

    I emailed UWO last week and asked them about my status - rejected. She did say that the official rejection letters (waste of paper if you ask me) had already been mailed out the week before. And I have yet to see anything in my mailbox...maybe your acceptance is still on its way? I haven't read all your posts but if you haven't already I suggest you email the program assistant. goodluck!

  12. Ya I think mine stayed firm at Jan 15 but I submitted mine early too. I just realized that two of my referees sent their letters directly to the department so I emailed them making sure my app is complete. They confirmed that it was and added "your application has been passed on to the Admissions committee for review, we will contact you if we need anything further". So yeah I won't be bothering them again and I'm going to try not to obsess cause it sounds as if they haven't decided or mailed anything.

  13. But yeah, I want to know. I check my York myfile page several times a day, and people reported hearing back! But who knows? I only contacted this morning because of the sudden fear that mail from Canada to the US would take far longer than I'd prefer (as it ... has in the past). I'd rather know than not know at this point, be it acceptance or rejection.

    I totally here ya on that one. My mom has just tried to put a positive spin on the wait, "maybe they're waiting to gather funding for you". HA! let's hope!

    Was the Feb 1st deadline extended for all programs? I had no idea about that. It does add a little more explination as to why we haven't heard.

    Well it's the weekend now and no one will be calling on saturday or sunday- so let's all breath and attempt to have a stress free weekend!

  14. I don't really understand MyFile. Doesn't the department forward the application to graduate admissions and then they update the file?

    I'm getting discouraged too, folks. :(

    I took my MA at York in Communication and Culture. I didn't receive notice until April 4th by post mail. I read over that letter last night, and it said to look out for an official acceptance on myfile. So I'm assuming that wasn't posted until a week or more after I heard via mail. (This was in 2008, so maybe things have changed- I have also seen that Communication and Culture students are hearing by mail, email and website so I don't know what their protocol is now)

    But basing on past experience- I've been OCD with my mailbox, only checking myfile once and awhile. I should also mention that I emailed the Women's Studies department on March 22 asking when they would notify me- and their reply was "within a month or so". That seems like a long time, so I’m assuming I’m on the b-list. Also, the results board shows one other PhD applicant being rejected a couple days after I sent that email… another indicator I’m on the b-list?

    Well no point in over analyzing, even though we all know it’s impossible to not get obsessed with these life changing decisions.

    Good luck everyone (including myself)!

  15. Anyone else waiting for an answer from York U??

    Ive applied for the PHD Political Science. Its my top choice and im completely losing my mind!

    Also, what about SFU?

    Why are Canadian Universities so so slow?!

    Someone help. Is anyone else also still waiting? Has anyone received a response from the political science departments of York or SFU??

    I believe some of York's departments may have been waiting to hear about the provincial budget. The news on that is good- so lets hope that translates to a higher acceptance rate for this year's applicants.

    I'm waiting on Women's Studies at York

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