From what I have seen, it is not unusual for education phd applicants to be in their late 20's or into their 30's so I don't believe it will be a problem for you. Many programs want their doctoral students to have had a few years of teaching experience but there are still a number of them that do not have that requirement. I am not in the English education field but here are some ideas to get your started in your search:
University of Michigan: English & Education Joint PhD
University of Florida: English Education PhD
Stanford University: Curriculum Studies and Teacher Education (CTE): Concentration: Literacy, Language, and English Education PhD
Temple University: Education: Literacy & Learners PhD
University of California - Berkeley: Culture, Development, & Learning Sciences: Language & Literacy PhD
Vanderbilt University: Language, Literacy, & Culture PhD
It really depends on the program as to how much funding you will get, but there are Education PhD programs out there that do provide full funding. I hope this helps