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Posts posted by Hanyuye

  1. I go to Hunter College, apartments there are generally way above 1300, and the neighborhood is very pricey (Yorkville, is what it's called). Though the further east you live towards the East  River, the cheaper, but you'll be counting dollars if you decide to be there. Seems like everyone wants to live in Manhattan only with new transplants here, there are plenty other options with 20-45 minute commute with cheaper rent, food, utilities, etc. Is that area your only option?

  2. Would those be good places to look for people going to the New School of Social Research?


    I haven't been to NYC since I was a kid and have been looking through the most recent pages of this topic and it seems like Brooklyn and Queens are the places to live for NSSR. Seems like the commute would be somewhere around 30 mins. 


    My partner and I could probably be fine with a 1 room place. 

     He Deluze,


    If you lived in Jackson Heights, all you had to do is take the E train straight from there to the NSSR. It's about 30-40 minutes express. And the costs there are manageable plus it's a very family oriented neighborhood with lots of Indian/Hispanic/Middle Eastern supermarkets. Though it is a very congested neighborhood, try to look at it from google search?? I think it'll be your best bet.

    As for Woodside, it's an up and coming young professional neighborhood so the prices are more above the 1200 with more of an Asian fengshui, sort to speak. 

  3. Hey guys, question about SOP. 

    I'm really interested in exploration geophysics and seismology. Though my school and no school near me offers seismology, I really don't know how to convince professors that I want to enroll in it. 

    Do I have to be specific in my research focus in my SOP, or jsut say along the lines of I want to study basin analysis, seismology for exploration geophysics under Professor X and reservoir characterization under Professor P.

  4. Question, if I were to graduate with a international MS, lets say in Leeds University or Imperial, then come back to the USA for work, will I have a hard time finding work if my gpa and research was fine and dandy?


    Also, is a petrophysicist a career with no advancement possible into other related fields?

  5. What is your undergrad?  With a math background, or physics, you can make the jump to geophys with no problem, and yes you can be an exploration geophyscist.  I recommend joining SEG, and attending an event or two.  Network, make connections.  (Society for Exploration Geophysicists)


    Thank you for the encouragement! I am a math undergraduate and so far, I've taken Geology 101, Fossil Fuels Geology, and Field Geology of New York State. 

    I've been networking but gotten very few responses and they were not helpful at all. 

  6. Hi all,


    Here I go again with graduate applications. Hopefully, I can acquire some clarification about everything. 


    1) As I'm graduating with my Math BA and three courses in geology by May, I was aiming towards MS Geology programs as I ultimately want to be an exploration geologist/exploration geophysicist. Is it more feasible for me to go towards the geophysics route with my lack of geology courses? 


    2) Can someone with a MS in Geophysics become a exploration geologist and vice versa?


    3) My professor who said she will provide me a recommendation hasn't responded to my emails for a month. I passed by her classroom three times but have seen a different professor/substitute. I don't know if she's ill or just hasn't seen my emails, should I continue to email her and ask the department of her whereabouts? I really need to finish one application by December 1.



  7. ^Definitely agree with the above.  Actually, that goes for all of the parks in New York, with the exception of the very small Union Square Park and Washington Square Park, and that's because they are well-lit and you can see into them from all directions outside the park.


    Nope, not even. No park is 'well-lit' , with 5.5 gigawatt lightbuls, it still wouldn't be safe, women still get attacked in these parks. Avoid parks at all costs in the wee hours of the night. 

  8. Hello everyone. I need advise regarding mobile connection. I have an unlocked Iphone 5 that I want to bring along to USA and continue using. I think that leaves T mobile as my only option for service provider but i have heard that its quality is really bad around Columbia university campus. Anybody have any experience regarding that? Is it worth bringing my phone or should i just get rid of it here and buy a contract deal with verizon? 


    You heard quality was bad here? Not really, Columbia is in a prominent neighborhood of Manhattan, they won't neglect customers there. It's totally fine, go with T mobile.

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