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Everything posted by HaruNoKaze

  1. hey i know this thread is a bit dead but I'm struggling with my thesis. I can't get anything done b/c i'm not motivated, but also i'm a little confused as to what in hell i'm supposed to be doing. I'm supposed to be working on a proposal but... the sample I was given i guess left a lot to be desired. So i'm confused. also i'm supposed to be graduating with my MA in the summer... does any one think this might made doctorate programs not want to accept me b/c of the close schedule? I'm beginning to think that even if I got accepted, a program might not like how close the dates are for my MA being conferred and their program starting. Thoughts? ps. I'm exhausted.
  2. skipped out on my own birthday... told everyone i didn't want to do anything. grilled ribs, gave a bone to my dog, i forgot about my own birthday cake. i ended up eating little debbie swiss rolls and oatmeal creme pies. i didn't even drink... that's pathetic...
  3. nothing gets my ass in a pew faster than heartbreak, rejection, and the cold void created by another university off the list...
  4. still hanging on it this one... as in "one day" is hopefully between now and april...
  5. yea i just saw it. hmm... I'd be interested to know who they got an email from yesterday...
  6. I'm pretty perceptive, so I pick up on things. Like when I called Berkeley to ask if they were really missing a LOR or just hadn't updated their online system, and he checked the *paper files* first, then asked me to spell my last name to check the electronic file. translation - application not in review. i know they have to have a method to the madness, and if we could understand a little bit better what it is, maybe we would all feel better.
  7. did you get an email or call? was it from brooke or a faculty member?
  8. turtle, I've been out all day and came home to find a rejection from berkeley and nothing from SMU. so in my book, you still get a congrats!!!
  9. Thanks yall for letting me know! it's like a puzzle but the pieces don't seem to fit.
  10. austin is beautiful, the food is amazing, and those damn white squirrels... mythical... i don't get to spend enough time there!!! ugh! why, UT, why must you toy with my heart so!!!
  11. does skype require a webcam? fair warning, b/c I have a tendency to take off my pants when I'm drunk. True Story. j/k
  12. I'm still researching... if you don't mind, who sent you the email? I'm trying to figure out if rhet would be with the Digital Literacies and Literatures? based on the website those two may be grouped together...
  13. Yea I'm wondering if maybe the choices have been made, but the assigned faculty to email/contact accepted students vary so much that maybe the rhet person is just behind. or, the possiblilty, rhet didn't accept anyone b/c they are full and not looking for/at any applicants right now.
  14. I just googled Cesar Salgado and he pulled up as faculty for the Latin American Studies dept... mind if I ask your concentration/specialization? (UT is like obviously my number 1 top over the stars choice here, in case it wasn't obvious)
  15. hm... so nine people have been accepted from the forum users, but no one from rhet? I didn't think it was that obscure that no one out there lurking or a regular would be rhet... what about cultural studies? I wonder how UT has the specializations grouped together...
  16. So have no Rhetoric applicants on the forums heard anything yet?
  17. Things I'm telling myself: Rhetoric is full of slow people. The email will come. Your last name starts with 'S' so you're always going to be at the end of the line, if they go alphabetically. Deal with it and wait. Anxiously.
  18. felt an implicit rejection from Berkeley, now feeling one from UT...
  19. congrats bdon!!
  20. Any accepted want to share their specialization? I applied to Rhet and wondering if any Rhet acceptances have gone out. And a super huge congrats to those that got in!!!
  21. I applied as an undergrad and got rejected to my top choice. telling my profs after they wrote LOR and encouraging me... devastating...
  22. I gasped when I saw this thread! I applied to for Rhet and haven't heard anything. Still says in review.
  23. depending on the phil department/program, some want high/above average GRE math scores. some don't care at all.
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