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Everything posted by EarlyModernGermany

  1. I got an email this morning directing me to the portal. I got rejected for the short term research. Apparently funded ~30 of the roughly 80 applicants. They have a 10-point rating scale and I was told I barely missed the cut at 8.5.
  2. Yes, keeping me waiting But better than a rejection! Still no word. I'm applying from the US
  3. I received an email informing me that the amount of money the DAAD has to fund applicants is low this cycle. As a result I've been sort of waitlisted for funding. They will notify me in a few weeks. DAAD Short-Term Research funding
  4. For those of you who were accepted to the Language program I wanted to let you know that I received my documents today from Germany via the portal. It didn't come in a message but rather I got an email that told me that there were new documents on my application page. They were all in German (which is funny considering the point of the program is to learn German) but they basically detail the funding I receive and have a letter of acceptance I could upload back to them.
  5. Yeah, the idea is you don't have to use the lodging offered by the language institute and could use the surplus to cover alternate lodging arrangements They should provide a bit of travel support as well. https://www.daad.de/rkp-hsk_isk
  6. of course! PM me anytime!
  7. Just heard from Uta that I got my first choice location, Berlin. I have not received a message on the portal yet since my status turned to funded. Language Institut-Berlin
  8. Aw that's so lame Horb! Keep up the hard work I'm sure other opportunities will arise!
  9. So my portal has said Goethe-Berlin for a long time and that has not changed since it went to funding. I was not sure whether that meant that I got Berlin (my first choice) or whether it just has not changed. Did yours say something about Freiburg (your 1st choice) and switch to Dresden?
  10. Sweet! Thanks for the info
  11. I did not see it go blank, but it may have and then changed to funding before I logged on. No email yet. Also, I'm not sure where they are sending me. I'm assuming I'll here when I get the email.
  12. Thanks Horb! You've been a great manager of this thread. I pulling for you!
  13. It changed to funding! Thanks for all the support on this thread folks. I hope those of you have not yet heard get to hear back soon! Applying: DAAD Intensive Language Grant, DAAD NYC, Status: Funding
  14. Yeah. The two dates for the intensive 8 in Berlin are 4/25-6/18 & 7/04-8/26. https://www.goethe.de/ins/de/en/kur/ort/ber/kur/tup.html?course=I8&city=ber
  15. The tight window is tricky, especially since I'm going to try to go even if I don't get funding. The first Goethe-Institut course available in the summer begins April 25th. Even if there are any slots left in that class as late as the 15th, trying to get ready to leave the country in less than 10 days will be difficult. Hopefully we'll here sooner! Applying: DAAD Intensive Language Grant, DAAD NYC, Status: Selection Made
  16. Since SNP3 applied for the study scholarship, I'd imagine that those of us waiting on language scholarships will not be hearing today. Just a guess, but it seems like these come in waves. Summer Language Grant, DAAD NY, portal status: 'selection made'
  17. Mine were Goethe-Institut Berlin, Gottingen, and Munich with an eye to the same/similar time frame.
  18. I just did the math based on the list of the various institutes. https://www.daad.de/medien/deutschland/stipendien/formulare/isk-kursliste.pdf
  19. Yes. I think it is based on the strength of the application. And really, there are lots of possible language institutes to slot students into. I just really hope they don't go overboard and tell a student who needs the summer that they are funded to attend in October! But I doubt they would do that. I stressed the importance of the summer in my application letter. More likely, they may say "we've got 352 Goethe-Institut slots [based on 11 locations, 2 summer sessions each, 16 student maximum] over the summer and 372 accepted students whose first, second, and third choice was GI so we'll take twenty of them [by what measure I have no idea] and slot them into some of the other institutes we offer." That wouldn't be the end of the world. There are a ton of language slots in total just for the summer. 352 GI summer slots+ 105 Carl Duisberg summer slots + 360 DID summer slots + 45 InterDaF summer slots + 30 S+W summer slots= 892 total summer slots if you define the summer as running through August.
  20. I did the same thing with my application. I can only go over the summer so I picked three different cities all at the beginning of the summer. What/when did you pick? I also was talking with a classmate who did all this several years ago and she said she got the award but was sent to a different institute than she asked for. So I think she put down three different Goethe-Institut locations and was initially informed she was going to their Berlin location and then was informed that that had changed and she was going to be sent to speak + write in a different city. So it sounds like there are a lot of variables.
  21. P.G. Tips Tea

    1. runonsentence
    2. rainy_day


      I'm more of a Barry's girl, myself, but PG Tips is good stuff.

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