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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. Really? Weird. What was LOL about them?
  2. Austin is making everyone's dreams come true this year. Crazy! Happy for you guys.
  3. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! You're going to absolutely love it there, AA. I was really, really impressed by their program when I visited. So was StatelyPlump. So many congratulations!
  4. Drank a boatload of caffeine today and read a boatload of journal articles. Now I feel like this: Well, the crazytrain should be all over in the next 48 hours, and then I can move on with my life.
  5. Way to go, Fiona!! How inspiring! I'm really happy for you.
  6. Alcohol and Saved By The Bell. BTW: I love your Dowager Countess avatar. I need something like that.
  7. Congrats! There's hope for all of us yet! This is going to be a terrifying and awesome thread to follow the next three days.
  8. By the way, it's Friday the 13th, everyone... so... yeah. Be prepared.
  9. I just found old Saved By The Bell episodes on Netflix... I feel like I've been saved... by the bell. Edit: I'm about to watch the one about the SATs where Jessie is trying to get into "Stansbury." "Harvard is the Stansbury of the East..."
  10. It's so fortunate that I'm on spring break right now. There is no way I'd be able to concentrate on anything otherwise. I was able to get a bunch of research done for a final paper done this week. Anyone know much about dream-vision in literature and its relation to social commentary? I'm doing something on Bellamy and Twain...
  11. This is amazing and funny. No wonder you got into Harvard.
  12. Can I have your autograph?
  13. All y'all waiters. Stay distracted: http://gawker.com/5901484/double-dutch-dog-is-really-good-at-double-dutch-hence-the-name
  14. I mean, c'mon, everyone knows it.
  15. So psyched for you, portland! Congrats!! Maybe I'll be seein' ya there...
  16. Woo hoo! Timshel, I'm really excited for you! I can't wait to be decided myself... Remember when we first started this insane application journey? Seems like forever ago...
  17. I know what you mean. I think I'm going to be turning around the hypotheticals in my stomach for the next three days. Blurgh.
  18. Looks like I'm in it through the 15th
  19. Ugh, sorry! That sucks. On the bright side, at least they sent you something at all... I really would like to just hear something either way. Good luck to you!
  20. Just saw someone got off the Rutgers waitlist on the results search... getting tense in my household... Congrats to whomever that is!
  21. Second this. It's gotta be today and tomorrow (Friday the 13th!). They aren't going to torture us into the weekend, are they?
  22. HOW AWESOME is the dancing scene on the bus?
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