Ugh. I know what you mean. My M.A. was like a grand experiment in "Wow, will this debt and time mean something?" And it did. At least I think it did. We'll see in a few years.
Can I also say that in the wake of Ph.D. acceptance, my M.A. program has become really anticlimactic? I'm sorta struggling to stay enthused, but eh... I'll make it work.
My love of the halfling's leaf has clearly slowed my mind.
I wonder what his critical approach is: "The key is to think of it not as "The One" ring, but as a one composed of many rings. By deconstructing the false unity of evil that the ring projects, one sees that beneath the façade lies a rhetorical performance or construction that reinforces and reifies the ring's central power."
Look! I found a picture of me 7 years from now, working hard on my dissertation... it seems the stress of doctoral study has aged me prematurely though.
Boo! Live in Brooklyn with the cool kids, like me and readwritenap.
(Just kidding; I'm actually very jealous of your campus apartment option. CUNY has something like that but it's far from campus, expensive, and small)
I definitely had one of these and it was hugely helpful to me all the way through the application process, but particularly in the beginning when I was trying to narrow my list of potential schools to apply to. Highly recommend this to all of you. Also, print it out and pin it to the wall in front of your desk. It will haunt you and keep you motivated.
Cool, let me know!
Revolts in the class are always a good thing in my book.
I swear that eventually I'll make the time to respond to your PM. If LGBTQ, 20th C, and interdisciplinary are what you're into, CUNY is just sooooo ideal.