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Everything posted by TripWillis

  1. So excited for you! I hope we both wind up there, but if not, I hope you get my ECF! BTW, 16/28 funded?? Wow... CUNY is weird, but I love 'em.
  2. Just heard that I won't hear anything official until at least the 10th... well, good. I can enjoy the 5th-10th now without thinking about Rutgers! <----- sunglasses to hide interior craziness
  3. Just got word that things are "starting to loosen up," and if I am made an offer, it will probably be after April 10th. Well, at least I can stop thinking about it until next week. However, it doesn't sound super-promising. But, eh... I'll just wait.
  4. I think English majors are destined to love it while everyone else hates it.
  5. Rutgers did notify someone on April 4th last year... so... maybe this year too?
  6. Ole Miss AND LSU? C'mon lolo! Get those spots!!
  7. It is a wonderful movie. I've never seen anything so complex and mindbending, yet so affecting at the same time. I also love the "Dear Diary, I am afraid I'm gravely ill..." part. And the preacher scene. And the end. Basically everything. Edit: Sorry that doppio and I hijacked the thread. My b.
  8. I feel like I'm gonna hear at least something this week, regardless of what it may be... at least my spring break is next week so I don't have to worry about concentrating on lesson plans and readings at the critical moment.
  9. You're right, but I'll try to temper my enthusiasm. I'll be positively ecstatic either way. I lean Rutgers though... we'll see what happens. At any rate, I can't take the pressure anymore. I'm gonna pull a Sammy:
  10. CUNY or Rutgers... Just gotta wait.
  11. Go; meet people, possibly future colleagues; be gracious and have intellectual discussions. Promptly inform them of your decision as soon as you get back.
  12. In addition, some colleges (such as mine) have fellowship coordinators and scholarship advisors -- they are not specifically designed, perhaps, to tailor PhD app writing, but they definitely have a lot of experience with this type of writing. Grad students work in those departments too and can be very helpful.
  13. Amen. I might be being a little disingenuous here, but for my interests, I'd rather go to CUNY than Harvard.
  14. *ahem!* ixnay on the utgersray aisepray!
  15. We need to get a beer after the DGS calls with my official acceptance so I can finally laugh about all this madness and so we can plan our future awesomeness in NJ.
  16. Thought everyone should know a clarification about the teaching that I hadn't heard about. The ECF requires you to teach 12 credits per year, but they can be divided up a number of ways. Comp course workloads are typically 4 credits (though I heard some talk that CUNY pathways might be trying to reduce it to 3), so if you were to teach all comp courses in a given year (as I imagine one might in year 2), you will probably wind up with a 1/2, not a 2/2, which sounds a little better. If you're teaching a combo of lit and comp, you will probably have to teach a 2/2 to meet the 12 credit workload requirement, since lit courses are only worth 3 credits. However, I wonder if I taught a combo of lit and comp and wound of with, say, 14 credits in a year if I'd be compensated for the addl. work or allowed to save up the credits toward another year? Huh. I'll have to ask.
  17. May I third this? Of course, I didn't study for the general at all. Not one bit. Did fine on it. Studied for 6 months for the subject test and totally fucking bombed on it. Who's to say, though? Maybe if I had gotten a higher subject test percentile I would've gotten into a couple other schools.
  18. Woo, congrats! That's two open spots for UMass now. Hope some people on this board get the call soon. So envious of everyone in here. Wish I could be decided. Screw this situation so hard.
  19. I'm with Lyoness here. You gotta do what's right for you, but you have a funded PhD offer from a highly reputable program already in hand. There's simply no guarantee you'd get that again. I'd take it.
  20. I declined UMass Amherst today. 20thC/Af Am/Queer Studies. Good luck, waitlisters!
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