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Everything posted by LovelyPainter

  1. @sguid or any other lovely painters... Hear any news from U.Oregon or U.Washington yet? Nothing on my side. Le'sigh...
  2. Many Thanks indeed!! I literally stopped posting because of how obnoxious it was to skip over all the excessiveness. Cheers!
  3. That's awesome! Is she painting or new genres?
  4. lol, I saw that too...I've been watching the MFA results link like a hawk
  5. Interesting the constant UCSB promotion throughout these forum topics...I have good friends in the UCI and UCLA MFA programs and they've had less than stellar things to say (to be polite). Anywho many, many congrats to all the notifications being passed about! I've been a bit MIA but love checkin in to read all the good news!
  6. A glass of wine cures all. Hope you're feeling better- Cheers!
  7. They either googled you or were on this forum (some of last years posts mentioned this-if i'm not mistaken). I was clearly googled before one of my interviews last year as they mentioned a piece on my website that wasn't in my application. Any interest is good interest as far as I'm concerned I say look on the upside definitely!
  8. Welcome Graphic Designer! And me too Mies23! My fingers are crossed for both of us and congrats to everyone else for hearing good news!!
  9. @hwrios haha, that's just cruel! Last year programs started sending out catalogues for their program(s) around acceptance times...imagine a thick, heavy envelope in the mail from your dream program....ugh. Let the obsessing begin!
  10. Curious on everyones thoughts regarding a deadline being extended or a sudden grace period for a program? Not enough applicants applied? Not enough GOOD applicants applied? or....
  11. Hi ArsenicYellow, Thank You for having the courage to post a very sensitive topic/question. I went through a medical trauma during my undergrad and talk about it bluntly/openly in my statement of intent as it has made me a better artist and contributed to my work. You could perhaps take the same approach, simplifying it by saying "I went through/had to work through some very personal issues during undergraduate and believe that ultimately overcoming those personal obstacles has contributed to my work-but unfortunately it also is reflected in my GPA"- something along those lines. I hope this helps! This said I really think it was a bit inappropriate for a professor to mention that admissions boards don't want anyone with issues/ect. I'm sorry but most artists have issues, hence we make badass art. Art is therapy. You can def over-share to the point where it distracts from your work though/TMI...my advice take the relevant information that explains your GPA, (I went through a very personal trauma) and then tie it back to your art. Pushing lots of wonderful luck your way!
  12. Congrats Flow!! And @Arsenic don't let it get ya down, you've got two interviews! Keep the good streak going
  13. No Interviews...that I've ever heard of. Last years forum I believe they were calling students who were "wait listed" ect. So you will hear from them directly at some point. I love going through last years Freakout post because it gives a great idea of potential time frames with regards to hearing back.
  14. Congrats!! Go do amazing!
  15. It's quite true. The first rejection is the toughest. My fingers are crossed for all of us!
  16. There are unending factors that factor in and come into play according to each individual. To take anothers experience and give it so much validity that it becomes your truth, in this circumstance is not wise. One size does not fit all. I find this forum fascinating because of all the vastly different opinions that float about but I hope that everyone on here or reading... actively engages much better sources than anonymous posts and news clips. I've seen all levels of talent succeed due to only one factor of truth and that is their own ambition and/or will to do so. What university they went to is either a non-factor or icing on the cake. And yes, a reputable program would be icing on the cake to some. Cheers to all of us getting good news and being able to decide between a great selection of frostings soon!
  17. I don't have my work posted...One of my interviews last year, during the "open house" part of the process ppl were mentioning this forum and a long story short I'd rather post my work after the app process. Nothing bad at all, My own preference. I'll be sure to follow though, I think you'll def get in somewhere!
  18. Very, very well said. I always enjoy your contributions to this forum lady!!
  19. I'm a painter, but that said I like the photo with the naked bum exposed! Seems like we caught the subject during a personal moment (I fully don't mean that in a pervy way) but it feels vulnerable.
  20. In LOVE, seriously! I work within the same color palette -meaning loud, vivid and fantastically obnxious. So excited to see where you end up! Sending you lots of good luck
  21. Your piece, altar to the gods- so moving! You have a few pieces I found incredibly moving. Excited for you and wishing you lots of good luck!
  22. Alright ladies and gents, did anyone decide to throw in a last minute application with tomorrows Feb 1st deadline? I'm guilty for cranking out an additional one. Here's my final list: UCI UCSD RISD UWashington UC LongBeach Tulane UHawaii UOregon Notre Dame Lots of luck and sending tons of positivity your way! Cheers!
  23. Same for me!! Schools are all over the board with turnaround times. I remember your work from last yrs forum. Wishing you lots of luck!
  24. Came off as quite negative to me too.
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