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nada.am last won the day on April 14 2013

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Profile Information

  • Gender
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  • Interests
    modernism, thing-theory, urban studies, 20th century Spanish, English, and American literature, interwar period, chicano/a literature
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    English & Comp. Lit. PhD

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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. One quick question. I'm presenting at a conference next month (mostly comprised of other grad students) and was asked for my academic affiliation. Since I'm not currently enrolled I just gave them the name of the university that I'll be attending in the fall. By the time the conference proceedings are published I will be enrolled there, but obviously next month I won't have started yet. Now I'm wondering if it's a faux pas to list a future institution instead of a current one or if I'm just over thinking this?
  2. Just made it official: English at the University of Michigan!! So excited to be done with this never-ending application/decision process. And even more excited to get started with the fun stuff in the fall!
  3. Declined UCSB comp lit. I'm not sure if there's a wait list, but maybe it helps someone??
  4. Congrats! It seems like the program is evolving in a really positive direction. Plus, my impression during my visit was that students and faculty alike were happy, supportive, and doing interesting work. So I'm sure you'll have a great experience. Also Boulder is pretty great! (It's my hometown so I'm a bit partial, but feel free to PM if you have any questions)
  5. Declined Pittsburgh and IN OFF THE WAIT LIST AT MICHIGAN!! Will most likely accept
  6. I'm in the same boat as you. I have other offers and not having visited makes me a little nervous, but it seems like such an amazing program... Here's hoping for good news for both of us
  7. Just got an email from Michigan saying they are likely to go their wait list and are contacting the "top few people" to see if they are still interested. AHhhhhh. Just when I thought I could make a decision...
  8. Declined Minnesota and Colorado. Looks like it's already helping move the wait lists along! Congrats guys
  9. Declined UIC and WashU yesterday. Great programs, so I hope it makes someone happy
  10. I'd also be interested in hearing this. Bluecheese, would you might forwarding me your PM?
  11. CastineGrrl, just PMed you.
  12. Declined offers at Temple and Fordham today. I hope that helps someone off their wait lists!
  13. Just turned down a very well-funded offer at Temple. I hope that helps someone!
  14. I'm having a similar dilemma. Having such positive feedback and personal attention from certain schools is definitely pushing me in their direction, but I wonder if I'm placing too much weight on how well they're selling themselves and it's distracting me from other more important factors at other universities... I don't know. I have no idea how I'm going to make my decision and the wait lists have just made it even worse!
  15. At what point is it Ok to call universities to ask about one's status? I've seen rejections and acceptances here for several places where my online application status has not changed (for example Columbia, which I'm almost sure is a rejection) and I just want to know already!
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