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Everything posted by monkeefugg

  1. It is NOT clear that the financial aid email "doesn't mean anything" since we have yet to receive our decision letters. Also, I am in Paris, France, so my letter will take time. People are still receiving letters right now in America stop being wrong all the time
  2. I don't see how that follows
  3. What is that supposed mean
  4. I still haven't gotten a reply to my e-mail inquiry WTF
  5. Soluble Fiber
  6. Black Coffee
  7. FRiday and still no mail so.. I just sent en email to the prof at the Phil dept asking for information about my application status. I already had a miserable day b/c my landlady is INSANE so I was catatonic and crying, and my nerves are already all vulnerable so this is actually the perfect time for such an email to get it all over with, b/c the anxiety and tristesse won't add anything to how I'm already feeling... wait...
  8. How long does it take to get a letter form New York to Paris? Jesus! I am going to die I have decided that if I don't receive it by tomorrow, I am e-mailing the department (GULP!!)
  9. i need to learn this:

  10. Energy Water
  11. No.. a lot of people actually only receive a letter... or an e-mail after the letter But I really really hope it doesnt take forever for my letter to get here!!!! I will DIE :-(
  12. This from the Phil dept: "all applications that were complete on time have been sent letters with a decision. and most have also received a back-up. email." I might just die waiting :-(
  13. OMG nervousness has reached singular heights death shall promptly ensue...
  14. Indian Ocean
  15. I am going to die

    also, why is Latin so hard?

    Crazy Romans and their crazy declinaisons ('declension' in english?)

  16. Omni-Presence
  17. I brought a collection of baby pictures with me to Paris; one of which is me playing Atari at age 6-ish

    I am teh awsum!

  18. HAHA-- draw a picture of a cookie and fax it to them, asking them to attach it to your file as an addendum This just in at the Phil LV-- Acceptance to NSSR MA: Acceptance package via FedEx arrived today. Letter from Robert MacDonald, with a handwritten note (is this normal?). 1/3rd tuition waived with merit scholarship. Would love to go, but still can't afford it. *sigh*. No information that would help other applicants. Also, I'm sure you've seen the Phil MA rejection on the board Both by postal service Unfortunately, they do their decisions from both ends.. sending out the definite rejections and the dfeinite acceptances first. Then work their way to the middle of the pile ppl get acceptances in April if I have to wait that long, I will explode!!! IT HAS TO BE THIS WEEK!!! ahhhhh
  19. I better receive my acceptance this week !!!
  20. Flying Squirrel
  21. ..still waiting..

    starting to go a little wacko

    Alos, I miss that NES game "River City Ransom"

    I want to buy sushi that will give me fists of iron!!

  22. Next week feels right

    Also, my ratings keeps going down!!

    Conclusion-- those posts are probably the same psycho trying to fuck with me

    Kind of unbelievable that someone would expend all that energy, though, but there are some real dickish losers on this site

    May the force be with you

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