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Everything posted by monkeefugg

  1. Man Hands
  2. The concept of "God" is philosophically untenable
  3. Brave Monkee
  4. Tobacco Beetle
  5. I have a Master's Degree There is no way I could have gone straight from BA to PhD For some people the MA is a necessary stepping stone. Other's, however, fancy themselves veritable prodigies, and believe the leap from BA to PhD is the only option worthy of their level of excellence. That's no reason to feel offended; it's merely their personal view coming from their own situation. In defense of the poster, inflation of the higher education system has led to a devaluation of degrees. As more and more high school graduates attend college and receive Bachelor's degrees, they tend to lose value, and more and more graduates therefore go for the Masters. This trickle-up effect is something we are experiencing now: more and more MA grads are applying to PhD programs-- this is why the acceptance rates are so discouraging! The higher education infrastructure is overflowing. Given that, the poster's feelings appear quite understandable.
  6. I think people are just indiscriminately voting me down, and anyone who can be perceived as an ally what kind of uncritical mob-mentality is this Clearly I'm the ubermenchsen of the forum
  7. Sick Puppy
  8. AWESOME !!! I have a -40 Bad Reputation ! That is an accomplishment I can be proud of
  9. Rocket Ship
  10. What are you all, children? What a disgrace. I grow weary of your fatuousness
  11. New Collection
  12. I know!! And the astounding thing is that people nevertheless keep rating me down But I suppose they are the same type of brainless morons who somehow misinterpret Stephen Colbert's blatant (and painfully so) satire as sincerity
  13. I like Lambchop's PlayAlong
  14. I am just going to assume that I'm in The vast majority of my assumptions are usually true, so I will assume that this assumption is as well Cheers
  15. keep your suggestions to yourself, dirtbag
  16. Not Guilty
  17. Were Wolf
  18. No they wouldnt do that b/c then the admissions committee at my department wouldnt have my resumé which is dreadfully important, as it has all my amazing, impressive achievements on it Also- all you losers who are rating down my posts can go to hell Like I give a damn If I have a negative reputation I have an actual life
  19. Bad Company
  20. Water Gate
  21. If you couldnt care less if I think you're stupid, why did you implore me in your previous post not to call you stupid. You are not only stupid, but inconsistent & incoherent.
  22. I hate you. Also, you're stupid
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