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Everything posted by TheZane

  1. I am just trying and forget that I applied to school.
  2. Such is life, a beautiful collection of doors. We all bounce from door to door. Some are dead bolted shut and some take our shoulders with cushion and open up effortlessly. You just hope the other side of the door is a beautiful as the front porch that you have been hanging out on for days. Thanks! If painting doesn't work out I'll try again next year and add photography to the application mix. The amount of photographers out there scared me away this year - lucky for you. I have been finding more excitement working with paint too, so that adds to it. Photography gets to stay freelance for now. Thanks for the art rec too, Solar is pretty great. The lack of people in normally populated places presents interesting energy in your work. It is like being there after closing time when your not really supposed to be. Check these guys out: Bernd and Hilla Becher, Vincent Laforet, and Edward Burtynsky
  3. Congrats on SFAI. Your portfolio deffinetly deserves it. Your work in the subways, trains, and stations is prety remarcable. I enjoy you aproach to capturing structure especially with respect to platforms, staircases, and tunnels.
  4. Congrats on getting interviews guys and good luck. I don't know about you guys but rejections make my gut turn weird. You get all excited and the adrenalin starts pumping as you load the page. The page loads, you click the link, and BAM!!! REJECTED!!! I forgot what is was like to hear back from schools. Been since undergrad.
  5. They said they thought the economy was probably scaring people. This whole process is pretty expensive from the start. That alone must be putting pressure on people. We are all basically putting up a hundred bucks a pop if we can't get fee waved and whatnot. I for one can't get into school fast enough.
  6. I was talking to CCAD admissions and they say that applicants were down big time this year all over the place. Maybe a good thing for us...
  7. Waiting... This has been a rough influence on my work. It has all been hectic lately and a bit more frenetic. Anyone else noticing trends in their current work?
  8. Now it is sit and wait time for me. I wonder how this is going to spill into my art... It seems all my worries about deadlines are gone but now I am worrying about whether schools received all of me information. They are all being a little vague about it. There are no notifications for recommendations that went to school who don't use online systems and transcripts are all in conformational limbo. I emailed RISD and they told me they were sifting through mail and that I should try back next week. I assume this is the case for many, that they just collect mail throughout the application time and sort if after the deadline.
  9. Two down, five to go. It's the home stretch! I'm enjoying SlideRoom but, only after the first upload and info dump. First round is tedious.
  10. Anybody's statement slowly killing them? This is a tough gear to drive in. Words elude me. They always have.
  11. Yeah I am taking the same approach. If they like my work they will pick me. Its not like words are everything. Not going to kick myself over 500 words or so. I mean who can really say what they want with that many words. If the art is good it will speak. Also it is a statement of purpose. How many reason are there to go to Graduate School? Community, Critique, Exploration and Growth. Networking is a side effect. As is the future.
  12. Hey guys! Been lurking around and thought I would step out of the woodwork. Been a wild process so far. Applying to Pratt, Hunter, Yale, SAIC, CCAD, and RISD. We'll see where it goes. Hoping for the best with Pratt. I love the interdisciplinary nature of their programs. Are there any other similar programs I should add to my list? Tempted to add CCA but I probably won't be able to get out there and see everything. Best of luck to you all.
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