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Venti White Choc. Mocha

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  • Interests
    KU, and Romantics.
  • Program
    English, PhD

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Venti White Choc. Mocha's Achievements

Espresso Shot

Espresso Shot (4/10)



  1. Went to ratemyprofessor and found the easiest professors. Shakespeare it is! I don't want to break in my first semester with a coaster ride. Slow and steady wins the race. And I don't suggest driving from NC to KS. I'm still tired a week later.
  2. Moving from my own condo into a studio apmt with my dog! Feeling preemptively claustrophobic. KU keeps mailing me books to read in addition to my preliminary coursework. AHHHH! I'm trin' to pack here y'all, gimme a minute.
  3. Anybody mention Clarissa yet? Worst book ever. like 2000 pages of just kill yourself already
  4. You can usually find exact copies of the origional text online at no charge. Either cambridge or oxford has the origional in archive I'm sure.
  5. When the head of the department put my ten hour take-home test up on the overhead telling everyone he had an example of what they should have done. The course was linguistics, and I am a romanticist. Booya.
  6. Come on LSU! 1/1 and more money. I'm not multi-tasky enought for a 2/2. I will die. Take me now!
  7. Things may improve as the tenured boomers move into retirement. Or six and a half years from now the market could be even worse. Who can say? I want to be a college professor. I have brilliant thoughts about Mary Shelley, and death.
  8. I think UCR has a great deal of "rise of the novel" PhDs and classes.
  9. I want to publish, and I think a regular university is the best avenue for that.
  10. I wonder if you can get one loan before July, without terms subject to change.
  11. My slot! My PRECIOUS!!!! GRRR! Roamnticists hates filthy hobbitses.
  12. Timshel... UCR/UFL no competition. You've already won the lottery, why are you bothering with scratch-offs? But I guess I understand, I'm still waiting on LSU so I can get a 1/1 with 5000$ more. And my stock form-letter didn't sound half as nice as yours. It rang to the tone of, "Well, don't get your hopes up. It'll all be over soon." BAH LSU hurry!
  13. Yeah, I'm just waiting on LSU. Got my email today while I was watching funny youtube comercials.
  14. If you include this year and last year, I've been rejected by 14 schools, accepted to one, and wait-listed to another. You are spectacular anon. You've beat hundreds of dedicated people out for your slot, don't forget that.
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