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Everything posted by andsoitgoes161

  1. I also did everything in two weeks. Rough process. Rough wait. So many regrets about my apps. Edit: I meant to quote an above post. Sorry that this doesn't seem pertinent to the current convo.
  2. Well...heh...the thing about my app process was that I wasn't sure I was definitively going to go through with applying to places this year until very late November (we're talking post-Thanksgiving November). I basically did my SoP, took the GRE, got my letter writers on board, and submitted apps in under two weeks, a huge stress at the time that has snowballed into an even greater mountain of anxiety because I'm sure my app would have been better if I wasn't such an idiot and started three months prior to deadlines like everyone else. As a result of being both geographically selective and bound to strict time cutoffs, I remember Louisville not being taken into consideration because their deadline had already passed--though I would have loved the opportunity to have applied there! My interests are predominantly in rhetorical/critical theory, the art of rhetoric, the symbiosis between writer and his/her world and the writing style it produces, and in refining a pedagogy which will help students see how these play strategic roles in the composition process...kind of like, "Hey you're an XYZ major so you come with a set of linguistic values and structures, as well as a discrete composition goal--let's delve into those things and see how you might best connect with an audience and become the best writer possible for your particular field." This is, of course, a vague overview, but I guess it comes down to really, truly wanting to be a writing professor and helping students see we are all capable of writing effectively. How about you?
  3. This is probably totally whacko, but by FBS are you referring to something football-related? If so, I love that forever. I feel like I am weird because I'm interested in a program simultaneously fitting my academic needs and offering some sort of viable social life/social outlet. I didn't apply to many "prestigious" programs either (though I have a few on my list), but I think all the ones I've applied are amazing in their own ways. I am also hoping to get an acceptance from Nebraska--I love the way that the program takes a very "create-your-own" approach. Jess Sletz--congrats on your acceptance! I am sure it feels amazing to have gotten into Madison, and I hope something works out for you!
  4. It was from Oklahoma State--a totally random application, and I'd be lying if I said I researched the program at all. I was sold on it simply being a straight rhet/comp PhD since there are so few of those programs in a part of the country I can picture myself living (I'm not big on the Midwest or east coast, but can apparently handle Stillwater, OK haha). It was probably a horrible fit, but I can't say the curtness of the rejection didn't sting. I found out through their campus portal, so that particular sentence was just in the box labelled "Admission Status." Eek. I hope these decisions aren't the beginning of a trend for us both!
  5. Just got my first rejection. Though I did not intend to go to this particular school had I been admitted (i.e. I'm not crushed), my worry over the rest of the schools to which I've applied proffering the same awful fate has been greatly exacerbated. "Applicant has not been admitted due to academic background and/or experience not sufficiently aligned with program." Cruel, cruel world. And a waste of fifty bucks.
  6. Juuuuuuuust got my first rejection, which was not particularly a surprise so I'm not really sad about it. The program could not have been any less suited to what I want to do (or where I want to live), but I thought that, being a large state school not too many people apply to, I *may* have had an off-chance for admittance. Another of my programs has started notifying as well, and I'm assuming rejection since I've heard nothing. There is also some ambiguity over whether one of my LOR writers submitted their letter or not, though I never received any notice from the school about it. Neither program was a top choice, not even top 5, but I am a little (a lot) scared over what this means--I thought I was going to get into at least one of these two to be quite honest. ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH this is too real now.
  7. Maybe I am misunderstanding your response, but I want to clarify that my previous post was only meant to imply that my app may have never even went through the review process, whereas yours had, hence your having had both an "under evaluation" and "call the office" status. I didn't mean to insinuate that somehow you had been rejected or that all admits had been sent out--only that I was speculating about why I never had an "under evaluation" note. But yes, here is to hoping it was complete and their system is just wonky and discordant. I'm rooting for you!!
  8. This is pure speculation, but it makes sense to me that if my third letter writer never even began the rec form my link would never have never changed to "under evaluation" (since there wouldn't have been a complete application to evaluate), and that could (probably does) explain the difference in messages. Perhaps the fact that your status has now switched to the "call the office" message means 1) your app was actually reviewed, and 2) the AdCom has finalized a list of initial cohort invites? If I'm correct, I imagine this puts me out of the running. Sigh.
  9. Eek! Lolo, stop that! I haven't heard anything at all from any of my programs so I can't speak to what it feels like to have one response and a litany of possibilities, but I have complete faith something good is going to happen this season. Everyone else's good news has to be a portent of things to come!
  10. I'm not in comp lit, but I also am a UT hopeful and I've been scouring these boards for any sort of Austin-related info for months now (it's sick how thorough I've been). From what I've gleaned, typically they send out acceptance notifications to the whole lot of English PhD applicants (it doesn't seem to depend on field) on Feb 21, rejections on Feb 25-27, waitlisters hear Feb 28, and if people get in off the wait list they hear on April 2-4. However, I wonder if this year's extended app deadline will affect notification dates this season? I'm scared to hear back since it's my top choice, but I don't think we'll get any news for another week and a half or so. Best of luck to all!
  11. I've applied there as well, and I have heard nothing. The boards shows that the trend over the past few years has been to notify Feb 23 or so, and perhaps the admit this year was an early action decision? As far as the status page, my "In Review" link has always said to call the department with any questions--I've never gotten the "your app is currently being evaluated" message. My manage recommenders link is also still available--however, after clicking on it I see that one of my letter writers never even started the rec form! Grr. Maybe it is still there because my app was incomplete? Maybe I won't get in? Who knows. I had trouble with ASU's reference letter site from the start, and I'm hoping this is just some sort of glitch. I can't imagine that my letter writer would have forgotten to complete this one, as she was prompt to recs for all my other schools. Good luck!
  12. Just saw an ASU Rhet/Comp/Linguistics admit on the survey. Congrats!
  13. Ah, i've been waiting for a thread like this to start! I'm applying to rhet/comp programs as well, and I too am sick of waiting! Most of my programs won't start notifying until the last week in February, but that is close enough that I'm starting to get a bit anxious. Not that I haven't been excruciatingly stressed out already We didn't apply to any of the same schools, but I look forward to seeing how things pan out for us both (and whoever else subsequently joins this thread!). What are your basic research interests? I'm extremely interested in constitutive rhetoric and writerly ethos as "political" prose in the sense that craft is a reflection of the symbiosis between a writer and his/her world. These predilections tend somewhat toward sociolinguistics, but in a rhet/comp program I hope to learn more about theory and refine a pedagogy which will help students across the curricula to develop writing skills by seeing that techniques of the composition process can be as characteristic as the social frameworks of their authors--that not only "English majors" can write effectively. I'm also interested in how writing connects with an audience to achieve its purpose, more or less an argumentation/art of rhetoric approach, as well as critical theory. That was a less than stellar outline of my interests, but it generalizes them *somewhat* cogently I suppose. I'm hoping my SoP was much more eloquent!
  14. Congrats bdon! I've watched your posts voice about as much anxiety as I also feel, and I'm so glad for your acceptance!
  15. Awesome! Congratulations--I knew there wasn't any way someone would consciously choose to cause a fake ruckus.
  16. I love Kathy Psomiades! The opportunity to interact with her, even it were her telling me I was rejected from Duke over email, would be incredible. Not that I believe that's the response you are going to get at all! Best of luck!
  17. Honestly, what is even the point of trying to mislead people in that way? I simply don't understand what sort of possible satisfaction someone can get from putting up a false acceptance--personally, I would be too afraid to jinx myself. Silly.
  18. The schools I've applied to generally don't start notifying until the last week in February (the last decision I'll be waiting on won't be out until the middle of March! grr), and while I've been jealous as others have started to hear back, as the time draws nearer for my schools to start making noise I am less and less sure that I actually want to know my application decisions. I am positive that, in retrospect, this period of ignorance will have been bliss.
  19. I can't believe no one has said Ben Gibbard yet! I think he is a poetic genius. I second Justin Vernon, more specifically his Bon Iver records, The Shins (James Mercer) are a fantastic band, Carly Simon, Junip/Jose Gonzalez, and though no one understands the language they use, not even the members of the band themselves, Sigur Ros has to get a shout out for the subjectivity of ambience they create.
  20. Gosh, there are SO many acceptances so far, and at such an early stage! I am thrilled for all who have heard back, and also incredibly jealous you have decisions in hand. I hope the sizable amount of positive responses indicates a trend toward mass acceptances this year!
  21. Should've quashed those nagging inklings of certain denial and applied to NYU
  22. It's excruciating. I've heard the UT Adcomm board is notorious for later as opposed to earlier conference regarding apps, so I wasn't sure if the two week delay in deadline would further put that off as well. I do, however, know for a fact they hadn't yet met on January 5. Not that many boards probably had....and so we wait.
  23. Did anyone else apply to UT Austin (well, duh....)? Anyhow, what do we think about them pushing the deadline back by two weeks this year--decisions/notifications pushed back by a similar span as well?
  24. I think it might be WashU? Last year notifications started around now,
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