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    UPitt SSW - MSW, Direct Practice

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  1. Hi Sarah. I'd love to offer you some insight on Pitt's programs. I work at the university, finished my undergrad here, and will be attending the Direct Practice MSW program in the fall. The MSW program has a strong focus on diverse populations and research-based methodology. They require two field placements - a generalized one your first year and one in your specialty the second. You also have two options for choosing your focus, direct practice with individuals, families, and small groups with optional specializations and certificates (health care, gerontology, mental health, school SW, child and family), and COSA (community organization and social admin) which is the more macro-focused choice. I don't know a ton about COSA, since I chose direct practice. Because of the huge presence of academia, medicine, and its city location, there is an abundance of field placement opportunities to be had. Pitt's Center for Race & Social Problems is highly active in the community and in research internationally. Class sizes are small, never more than 25. And faculty are great from what I understand - most are either involved clinically or in research with collaborations across campus (psychiatry, public health, aging, etc). Also, Pitt SW was just ranked 11th in the nation, for what it's worth, and the city is often ranked the #1 most liveable city year after year. Well, hope that helps.
  2. Reviving my old thread to see if ANYBODY out there will be going to U of Pittsburgh next year? Want to meet my future classmates and share some excitement!
  3. I got in! The letter's at home, so I haven't seen it yet, but my boyfriend said he could read "It is my pleasure ..." and "admitted" through the back of the envelope. I'll add the details later. Yay!
  4. Are their other folks out there who applied to MSw programs with low GPAs and got accepted? I didn't go into this thinking it would be a big deal, since I have strong LsOR, a decent personal statement, years of work experience, over 500 hours of relevant volunteer experience, and nothing but As over the past two years. I failed out when I first started due to some pretty horrific tragedies, but I went back and finished years later and ended with a 3.02 (had to start again with my failing GPA). Now I see most of people's posted stats, and I still don't have a decision letter, and well, I'm starting to freak.
  5. eep! I got mine in on the 31st and am still waiting. did you hear by mail or email? do you ming if I ask your stats? did you also apply for direct practice? congrats, by the way! sorry for all the questions.
  6. Has anybody applied here? Heard anything back yet? Any other words of wisdom?
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