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About danielcharles87

  • Birthday December 28

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    Sociology of culture, sociology of food, globalization, musical sociology, ethnography, social psychology.
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danielcharles87's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. I don't think this is crazy at all. I start in a PhD program in the fall with very substantial funding and fully expect to be working a 20 hour/week job for helping to pay bills and have extra income. I know for a fact a bunch of the other grad students work as well. I worked full time taking 3 courses a semester and TA'ing a class for my Master's - it's extra work but as long as your department allows it with your classes, research, and TA/RA responsibilities, I think it's fully do-able. Living off of $20 or $25K/year is really, really difficult no matter where you are.
  2. Been wondering about USC as well - haven't heard anything back but it's getting pretty late!
  3. Thanks AaronM! Very helpful and definitely expected...the large disparity between the low number of culture jobs and high number of culture PhD's suggest thinking about a shift for sure!
  4. Hello all! I am currently a year out of an MA program and will be entering into a full PhD program this fall. I did my MA in the sociology of culture and the arts, primarily focusing on qualitative methods and ethnography. I was planning on continuing this but after doing some thinking and looking at the primary subfields of some departments I've been accepted to, I'm wondering this: Is there a certain subfield that is most marketable when on the tenure track/professorship search? I know that some fields like criminology tend to have more jobs and I've heard that the hot spot to be is going to be medical sociology...anyone have any opinions? And how do methods play into this - is it better to be quant? Or is it better to be well-rounded and have both abilities? Obviously, subfields can be very important and varied based on the needs of a department but I'm wondering what noticeable trends might exist. Thanks!
  5. So I've spoken with a lot of people in my family and within my circle of friends that always say the same thing: "Why do you torture yourself on that GradCafe site?!" When I try and answer, it's always a mix of "I can't help it" and "The forums keep me sane." While both of these statements are, in fact, true, this all got me thinking...why do we REALLY come on this site? Obviously, trends this year show that you can't always count on patterns or acceptance/rejection times to be consistent...we've seen that much. People I talk to (outside of all of this) also question the honesty of those that post about being rejected/accepted. While I'm not sure I know why anyone would lie...isn't it possible people post things falsely? And more so, isn't it possible that people lie within these forums to make themselves feel better, make others feel worse, or seem as if they know what they are talking about (even if they do not necessarily). Even if the intention is not malevolent, a lot of information appears to be mere speculation or completely innacurrate. Oviously, we're all speculating, but I think it makes things worse a lot of the time... I've tried to stay off of this site but it is very difficult, there's no doubt. These forums are helpful in knowing where we stand, what our chances MAY be, and as a source of comfort if we are discouraged. Lately, though, with the erratic pattern of acceptances and the stream of (excuse me) bullshit that seems to crop out consistently, I wonder if this site is really as helpful as I had originally hoped... Anyone else empathize?
  6. Hey RunMilw, Also wondering the same thing. Wrote to the Grad Dept. and haven't heard back. According to the site, there's been nothing yet!
  7. I'm sure many of you are in the same boat so I was wondering what everyone's take was. I applied this year to NYU, UCLA, Emory, UMD, CUNY Graduate Center, UPenn, USC, and Brandeis. I've only heard from one school (CUNY - rejection) and nothing else. The things is, I've noticed that Emory has sent out both rejections and acceptances. I also spoke with the coordinator at Maryland who said that all acceptances aren't out yet. The trend appears to be that it isn't black and white with acceptances/rejections. That is, not all acceptances go out one day and all rejections go out another. This makes it REALLY hard to track the possibility of acceptance if you haven't heard anything yet! Is it time to start assuming if we've seen rejections AND acceptances sent out, that we might be stuck on a waiting list?
  8. I'm in your boat, ABC. Nothing is pretty frustrating...possibly a waitlist? Ugh.
  9. Where do we check out our application status? I'm at my Application Summary but can't find it!
  10. Felicidad, congratulations! I had very comparable stats so I'm hoping to receive the same email offering acceptance - this was definitely one of my top choices!
  11. Seconded!
  12. I was wondering the same thing, giacomo. Applied to Emory and was very hopeful, but I haven't been asked to visit. The optimist in me says that if we didn't get asked to visit, we were just shoo-ins and there was no need for further evaluation! But I suspect this may very well not be the case...
  13. @ SocHope - I also applied to UCLA and only received confirmation from the Graduate Admissions, not the Sociology department. So often, the FAQ's or Admissions pages are a bit out of date, innaccurate, or the departments don't always follow it to a "T" - I really wouldn't worry about it much. That beings said, good luck - UCLA's an awesome program and definitely a top choice!
  14. Hey, the lee, I'm also interested in which program you applied to at UMD. It mentions you are interested in Sociology, which is the program I've applied to. Was it a PhD in Sociology you applied to or something else?
  15. AlexT, I was wondering who you received the email from regarding the invite to check out Emory's program. Did it specify actual interviews? I spoke with Admissions today and they seemed puzzled when I asked them about it so I was just wondering if maybe you received the invite from a professor or something separate from admissions. Thanks! Dan
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