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Everything posted by hopefulslp88

  1. So I just left Target and went a little crazy in the $1 section. I spoke to a friend already in grad school before purchasing anything and she said go for it haha! I picked up dinosaur figures, a few wooden cars, stickers, and card games for a buck each.
  2. Do you mind if I PM you with questions about the program??
  3. Haha too funny... I applied to UH housing last week, they said I will definitely be houses, probably in a 4 bedroom in the new building set to open in August!
  4. Officially accepted my offer at The College of Saint Rose!!! I'm so excited!!
  5. They didn't specify brand,but I saw pretty affordable ones on Walmart.com!
  6. So that's 2 for 2 who told me to purchase my own laminator!
  7. So far my list includes: new laptop, watch, IPad (already own one), giant tote bag,portable iPhone/iPad charger, laminator. I have a few friends already in programs so I picked their brains and one did purchase a laminator on Black Friday! That's all for now...I'm sure I'll add to the list soon. I think I may also purchase this travel mug just because it is hysterical... http://www.cafepress.com/+ceramic_travel_mug,743417850
  8. Really cute! I tend to carry huge bags,but I need thicker straps because thin ones dig into my shoulder lol.
  9. Thanks for the heads up!!
  10. What are must have items for new SLP graduate students??
  11. Want to share what's on your list so far? lol I've started to think about what I will need and I just don't know where to start! I thought about creating another forum to discuss this, what do you think??
  12. Speech310.... congrats on NYMC! Looks like you have a big decision to make in the next few weeks!!! Congrats again
  13. Haha thats to funny, gotta love the element of surprise! Well I hope you hear back soon! I still have quite a few left to hear from as well, it's so crazy as it is April 5th already!
  14. My top would be NYMC and then St.Rose and Kean are tied for 2 lol...I'm trying not to get my hopes up for NYMC though, just got the mail and nothing today...I am definitely happy that I am finally safe now and I would be happy to go to St. Rose! Where were you accepted??
  15. And the NYMC posts have started.... so nervous
  16. First of all....you are not worthless, far from it. I know it sucks, it really does. My biggest problem last year was having someone (admissions committee) tell me I wasn't good enough,it is hard not to take it personally. With that being said, I used that feeling as fuel for the fire. It doesn't have to be over, if in your heart you know that SLP is for you, you can make it happen. Start working on Plan B, C, and D if you haven't already. If you want things to change you have to be the force behind it! Contact the schools you applied to after the season winds down and ask what they think you should improve. If you need any advice or someone to chat with PM me, I really know the feeling, but so many things can change in a year! Don't lose hope....
  17. Congrats on your decision!!
  18. No problem!! I used to work at a really nice gift shop and we sold hundreds of those reusable bags! They really are a great gift and very useful, you cannot go wrong with coffee either! I also used a bag to create a grad school survival kit for my good friend last year. I gave her the bag, travel cup for water or coffee and a game to use with kids in clinic- it was adorable if I do say so myself lol....Glad I could help
  19. Professors tend to carry a lot of stuff (well mine did anyway)... so I purchased Envirosax reusable bags that can be rolled up and tossed in a purse when not in use and when needed just unrolled and voila! They cost about $9.00 each. Here is the website: http://www.envirosax.com/graphic-series.html
  20. Did you speak to admissions or the SLP department directly?? When I called Adelphi about 2 weeks ago, I was given more information from a person in the department then admissions. She actually told me my application was circulating and it depends on who has it, some take longer to make decisions then others and it could be 4 more weeks. The admissions dept. said your application is still under review.
  21. Ok so I spoke to the admissions officer at St. Rose today and she said that decisions for a lot of schools are very late this year, she didn't seem to know why, but she did say that CUNY's would notify by 4/8. I have until 4/17 to give my decision, unless I need an extension because of the late decisions from schools. Don't take the lack of response as a bad sign, it's the trend this year and boy does it suck! Last year people were hearing back from certain schools at the end of February, those same schools have yet to send decisions this year. You don't sound ranty, you have every right to feel the way you do....it is a very emotional process and its just nice to know people can relate to it here because friends and family (although they mean well) most of the time have no clue how crazy and competitive it is!
  22. Hi all! I just received my official acceptance from St. Rose yesterday and I am very excited about this program! I was wondering if anyone else was accepted and wanted to discuss their thoughts about the program?? Any alumni or current grad students please feel free to give your opinions! Congrats to those accepted!!
  23. Go out and celebrate...you deserve it!!!
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