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Everything posted by hopefulslp88

  1. I interviewed on 2/20 and they also said end of March-beginning of April...kinda vague lol. I called admissions today and they said we should hear sometime next week.....I am so nervous!!!!
  2. Congrats!!!! How relieved do you feel now? lol....
  3. Rejected from Hunter...not surprised though. Congrats to those accepted!!!!!
  4. FIngers and toes crossed for you...good luck!!!
  5. Thanks so much! Who knows, it would be great to have options, but if I don't I won't be too upset...the fact that I know I am going to be a speech pathologist is enough for me!
  6. Thanks so much!!!! It has definitely been a roller coaster of a year!
  7. Thanks so much, congrats to you too!!! This whole process definitely did take so much out of me, the last year has been a tense and stressful one, but I would do it again in a heart beat because an SLP is what I was meant to be!!!!
  8. I'm sending good vibes your way... hope you get good news soon!!!! I will PM you about what I did to boost my application!
  9. Thanks so much, I wish I could go celebrate, but I'm writing a paper haha.... the lives of us speechies!!!!!
  10. Thank you soo much!! I do feel very relieved for the first time in a year lol.... how has the process been for you, still waiting on any schools??
  11. I feel light as a feather lol.....the stress has been replaced with elation for now
  12. Thanks guys, it means alot!!! Midnight... I thought it would never happen!!!
  13. Thanks so much!!! I am actually more interested in the medical side of SLP and made that known when I went up for my interview, I feel confident that I would be able to get the experiences I want in hospital and SNF settings. A professor up there also specializes in pediatric feeding disorders and that is right up my alley!!!
  14. Thank you!!!!!! It's so surreal...
  15. Thank you so much!!! I literally started to sob when I read the email. This was my second year applying...it just goes to show don't give up on your dream!!!
  16. I just received my first acceptance to The College of Saint Rose!!
  17. I just received my first acceptance to The College of Saint Rose!
  18. Good luck!! I hope you hear back soon, I also haven't received an acceptance yet, the waiting is tough!
  19. I see you are from NY, which schools are you waiting to hear back from if you don't mind me asking?
  20. Thanks for your support, I really hope I get good news soon! I'm off this week from work so now all my time is spent thinking about hearing back from schools!!
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