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Everything posted by TPliske8711

  1. I hate the fact that I applied for updates on the spreadsheet. Now every morning I wake up with my first email being "Fulbright 2012-2013" on my gmail... and my heart drops for a moment.
  2. Was it a grant or was it an Teaching Assistantship?
  3. I think we still have a bit to go before we should expect anything. Most people hearing back did not have a second stage as late as we did. Think about it, if the date for sending out all of the applications was 02/27, that means that the last ones did not arrive till a few days ago. That leaves only a few days to decide between 280 applicants...
  4. This forum sucks, in that I keep getting sucked into looking at it even though I knew there is nothing new.
  5. Yea, I dont expect Germany this or next week. Feels too soon since I would imagine they are only just receiving or have just received their full applications from the US
  6. Nice, Crazy! Which country did you apply for?
  7. Whether T Pain did or didn't get it; whether he is or isn't a troll is insignificant. You will get it when you get it, that is all anyone can say, everything else is pointless.
  8. Ugh, this is awesome... and aweful... Im going to get fired for non-stop personal email reading.
  9. Actually, you are 100% correct. The directions were too few and too short... very much unclarified.
  10. I looked up a number of different sources who either went to Germany ETA or are there now and from what I was told, the Lebenslauf was more or less a biography, in which case it was about the same as the Personal Statement. People I spoke to told me to translate the documents I sent into Fulbright into German, so that is what I did as well. I know a girl who turned her resume into paragraph form and into German, she was the only one I know who did this though. You can look up our discussions on this in the last few pages. As for hearing back from the Kommission, I heard as early as mid-late March.
  11. i was thinking that perhaps our working together has given us an extra advantage that those who did not use such Fora might have missed out on. In that sense, we may be in a pretty solid position. Looking at the past acceptance lists, many more seem to receive the ETA than not.
  12. My support to everybody is sincere, kgba, even against those I am competing with. Largely because once you know someone you cannot possibly dislike them purely because they are against you. It is precisely because we have faces here that we become friendlier (well, personalities, I guess, since there are few actual pictures).
  13. "Good luck to all the Germany-ETA finalists!!" One has to love the irony of these well wishes. Clearly everyone will not get the acceptance, 50% will, and wishing luck on one person means wishing him luck against another; but we all still wish each other luck, even as we are in competition against each other. Strange how that works.
  14. From last years spread sheet it looks like most people received their notice by late March. Is there a reason we should expect April?
  15. Part 2/2 of my application is out... Now I begin to cringe at the fact that I no longer have any control!
  16. I wouldn't make it longer than a page. Cover letter and CVs do not need to exceed that really, I think.
  17. I went to a pharmacy and just got new passport photos. Two reasons: one being that I didn't want to play around with it and two because I wanted to make a more presentable picture.
  18. Sorry to go back to the German PAD application again (sigh!). I was wondering, what did everyone put for the Semesteranschrift if you no longer have a school address? I am kind of troubled about what to put. I have no address there anymore since I graduated last May. What did everyone else here put?
  19. My FPA has been pivotal to my application, especially the writing stuff. I will continue to contact her but most of the issue is in my head.
  20. I'm probably gonna hold on to it and look it over fanatically, analyzing each and every single thing typed as absurdum and only get it in the mail while crying in the belief that a single word has the wrong letter accidentally typed in ....
  21. Email the one that applies to you: http://us.fulbrightonline.org/contact_us.html Never assume with this. Check everything!
  22. Yea, this is the one thing I cannot seem to take lightly at all. It is the difference between a rare once-in-a-lifetime experience and the excruciating boredom and minutiae of my daily grind...
  23. I apologize to those who have been annoyed at the intense focus on the German ETA. I see no reason for making a new topic since the discussion is quite concentrated. And there does seem to be a large number of Germany ETA applicants here... plus, you can just keep scrolling. Anyway, a sort of final update: the reason for writing such similar essays is because the PAD program sends these to various schools to judge if you are a good fit for their school. Individual schools will themselves read these. Oh and I asked the people at PAD and they said it was fine to send in your Personal Statement and Grant Purpose, so long as they are both translated: "Sie können selbstverständlich Ihr Personal Statement und Grant Purpose benutzen, sollten diese Schreiben aber ins Deutsche übersetzen. Beste Grüße Adelheid Tajber-Jansen"
  24. I only wish that they would specify exactly what would differentiate the new essays from the old (besides the German); unless, of course, they are simply looking for you to have a German document in. Perhaps they require original German documents since the PAD is German and needs these as official requirements.
  25. My friend is in Germany now as an ETA and while she drafted an essay copy of her Resume for a Lebenslauf, she told me everybody she asked at orientation said that they simply translated their documents into German. From what I heard from her, selections were pretty disparate and not very organized, with various different people of different statuses being accepted.
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