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wilghal's Achievements


Decaf (2/10)



  1. Thanks! I am going to just enjoy the fact that I'm admitted for a few days and worry about money later. There's going to be plenty of time to worry about money over the next two years. Is anyone on the forum planning on the community systems program?
  2. No emails, yet! I have the anxious waiting problem common on this thread! When you say "figured out loan information", that would be just the amount of loans available based solely on FAFSA?
  3. So I was admitted. At this point with no information about scholarships of any type, is there any rhyme or reason to the amounts listed under the loan category? Is it possible that those numbers will go up or down depending on what, if any, scholarships I get? Can anything be inferred from these numbers?
  4. @boxoatoc I applied for a research and study grant to Tajikistan. I have to say I was feeling ambivalent about the whole thing until this week. Now I'm incredibly nervous. I have a feeling the ambivalence was a self-preservation thing to keep me from worrying about it. Yikes!
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