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  1. Is anyone familiar with DTLA, Pico Union, and southern parts of Westlake and Korea Town? I'm thinking that might be the ideal spot in terms of having a walkable neighborhood and being fairly close to campus. Are there pockets to avoid? areas that are particularly more walkable? does anyone know what the cost of living in those areas is like (I'm assuming DTLA is generally pricier than other parts of the city, but I've never been)?
  2. higheredphdapp

    Ithaca, NY

    If you're ok having roommates, you should be able to find something in collegetown for $600 a month, although it will probably be down the hill a little bit. Check into what utilities are covered as a lot of the building in collegetown are old and poorly insulated which can make for some expensive bills. While there may be some cheaper housing closer to IC, you'll find you feel pretty disconnected from Cornell over there (which you may want). If you're in the lower part of collegetown you will have access to bars/restaurants of both downtown and collegetown -- if you're over by IC, you will mostly just be downtown, and given the winters, you'll probably be busing to campus (the tcat is actually pretty reliable).
  3. Getting a one-bedroom int he district near a metro for $1500 is almost impossible. You could try Petworth, but you should be ready for a somewhat gritty experience if you stray too far from the metro. You can certainly get a studio for 1500 in columbia heights, shaw, or near mt vernon square; you might even be able to get a somewhat shabby junior one bedroom. If you're looking for an urban living environment that won't require a car, shaw and mt vernon square might be your best bet. These areas are close to all the busy entertainment areas of the city, and very easy to get downtown. This is actually where I live currently and I used to walk to my office downtown, and now I have a fairly easy commute on the metro out to my new office in virginia. Silver spring can be a bit sterile and suburban, if you want urban you should definitely move into the district. You could also check out bloomingdale and ledroit park (these are small neighborhoods just north of shaw).
  4. phd higher ed gre: 159V/170Q/4.5AW background: poor grades from ug, better grades from grad classes (non-degree), 4 years prof experience in higher ed applied: harvard, northwestern, penn, stanford, ucla, usc accepted: phd: ucla, usc; master's: harvard, penn going: usc
  5. thanks for posting that -- that's useful knowledge. I wonder if these nominations are based on the master's programs, phd, edd, or all of them.
  6. I never put much stock in them, however, when asking for advice on my impending decision from 2 ed school faculty, both noted that one program is ranked higher and that's important. So maybe they are still valued just because they are the only option? Also, how are the specialty fields ranked? surely k12 superintendent reviews are not going into the higher ed rankings... at least I hope not.
  7. I'm surprised too. I'm curious about the UCLA living situation. I'm from the east coast and love the urban core. While I know it's going to be a completely different lifestyle, are there any areas that have an east coast vibe? I was thinking about living in west hollywood, is that an easy trip to campus? Also, is it possible to bike around the city, or am I just asking for trouble?
  8. That's constructive. Thanks for your invaluable feedback.
  9. I'm glad someone did this. Just an FYI, my poi at ucla called me and accepted me a month ago, however, I still haven't received any type of official notification (it's actually stressing me a little bit). What are people's thoughts on ucla's higher ed phd? I don't really trust us news for anything, and I'm trying to assess the "prestige" factor of the program in terms of job prospects after graduation. Obviously your POI is extremely important in that, as is what you accomplish yourself, but I'm a little concerned the program isn't strong enough to be competitive for tenure track positions at well respected ed schools. Also, their website has no information about recent grads. I'm also curious to hear people's opinions about USC's program.
  10. I also got run down by the ships rejection train. being considered for the master's. "Although the admissions committee was not able to recommend you for admission to the doctoral program at this time, I am pleased to tell you that you are being considered for our master's program in Policy, Organization and Leadership Studies."
  11. I applied to CIS and haven't heard anything, womp womp
  12. based on the 2012 and 2013 results survey I thought we might be getting decisions today. The waiting is rough.
  13. Penn sent out invites for their phd weekend last week (I didn't get one). I got an email from USC two weeks ago to interview; I believe they plan to have decisions finalized by the first week of Feb.
  14. mine just says "submitted"... as each day passes I'm thinking it's just code for "not this time around"
  15. Re: PhD programs Haven't heard anything either. Also waiting for word from UCLA and Penn, but I haven't seen anyone post anything on the results page.
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