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Everything posted by miyamoto81

  1. For me, it was more of a funding issue, i.e. a good program that was free in LA. I'm sure that's why they get so many applicants. I didn't make it to the west coast to physically look at schools, so I couldn't get a visceral feel for the place itself. But you know, there are a lot worse things in life than going to a grad program in LA for free for 2 years.
  2. Yes, I sent in my letter. I think we all might get some funding from RU, but I'm not sure how much. And I don't think it will be as much as I was offered at some other places. *sigh*
  3. miyamoto81

    Rutgers MFA

    Tyson2, you should definitely go tour, I'd be interested to hear what you think about it. Has anyone else checked it out? I'd love to hear thoughts!
  4. Testing, you're right, it is very expensive. Honestly, even if I got in, I'm not sure I could go. Also, the facilities aren't great. However, the program itself is pretty awesome. It's a truly interdisciplinary program, which is something I like. As far as New Genres go, Jon Kesslar, Sandford Biggers and Shelly Silver are all major New York artists. Mika Rottenburg came out of Columbia as well. Plus it's Columbia - the resources an ivy league university has as far as academics go is pretty awesome, especially in science. Brian Greene is there, as well as many other well known scientists. Just my thoughts. Now if I could find a sugar daddy to get me a loft on the upper west side with an adjacent studio space, I'd be all set. That and getting in, of course.
  5. Ol'spice, I'm right there with you! If it's anything I've learned through this process, it's that it ain't over til it's over!
  6. Brown06, I believe that people on this thread either were contacted for interviews or had friends who were contacted for USC. What kind of 6-degrees-of-separation it was, I'm not sure. But I think that for most schools whom we haven't heard anything from yet (5 in my case) it isn't a good sign. That being said, who knows - it ain't over til it's over.
  7. Yes, I know they are . . . I'm going to see what I can work out as far as funding from them goes. I have a few very generous offers from other schools that will take precedence if nothing pulls through for Cal Arts. It is a shame, a lot of these programs have potential to offer so much to people who aren't bankrolled by anyone.
  8. Hi there! People on the forums have said that Columbia already sent out their interview requests, so at this point if we haven't heard, it probably isn't good news. I'm in the same boat though, I haven't heard anything either. I'm not holding my breath on them.
  9. Honesty, I haven't heard good things about SVA - They are very expensive and offer very little in ways of funding. I have also heard that their grad studios aren't great and that while "big name" people teach there, they often spend very little time outside of their classes either in the facilities or with the students. I've heard this both from those who are in and outside of New York. Granted, it could be different now - my advice is, if you can, go and check it out for yourself. You'll be the one to decide and make sure you ask them about the things I just said.
  10. Hi there! Yeah, sorry that aid for international students isn't a lot . . . (I was actually thinking about applying for schools in Canada or Europe, but I didn't because I wouldn't have been able to pay for it . . . ) You're right, you can't take out any federal loans, but keep on looking at scholarships and seeing which ones you can apply for as an international student, there has to be some! Or your idea of asking for a deference is good too, you can see if they can give you any advice when you do. Good luck, I hope you find a way!
  11. I specifically asked them during my interview what the funding situation was and they flat out told me that they "were not a funded program." So, I wouldn't count on a lot of financial support, at least not from the school itself. There are a lot of scholarships that you can apply for - if you look at their financial aid page, they are listed there.
  12. Indeed, I agree with the above! Good luck Tyson2, let us know how it goes!
  13. That's good though! I mean, I know it sucks that when you think you have things someone solidified that it gets all lose again, but still - I've learned that anything can happen between now and the final decision. I say go visit SFAI, see how you feel. Maybe you'll love it. Or maybe you'll feel that HI is a better choice. You still have a little time to decide.
  14. I think it's a great idea that you are going there to visit - you will get a definite feeling for the school simply by being there. It's so much better than going into it blind. And yes, SF is a hard place not to fall in love with. There are definitely worse places to be. (Except for Hawaii of course! )
  15. DanielaPainting, thank you also for your post on Montclair! It was very helpful!
  16. miyamoto81

    Rutgers MFA

    Hey y'all, I'm sure you've all seen this, but I thought I'd post it anyway: http://rutgersmfa.blogspot.com/ It's a blog run by RU MFA students. There are links to current grads, recently graduated peeps and to faculty sites. All in all, visually informative.
  17. Well, I hear you, I'm not expecting much from them either. But hey, one never knows the mysterious ways of art institutions . . .
  18. Just a heads up for RISD folks: for those of you who don't follow the admissions group on Facebook, they are starting to notify people starting tomorrow, continuing through the end of next week. Supposedly everyone should be notified on or before the 24th. For those of us who haven't had interviews, here's to us in hopes of some kind of massive divine intervention! Cheers!
  19. Maybe the one you got into refuses to accept that you turned them down and the other one has realized how glorious your work is and wants to recruit you!
  20. Congratulations, that's awesome! So nice to hear that someone is going to a place they are very happy with! I think you might be one of the first ones to make a declaration that you will be attending as well, best of luck!
  21. I would say at this point if we haven't been contacted for an interview, we shouldn't bet on it. I know people on here said that interview requests went out a few weeks ago. Though, who knows - it ain't over til it's over.
  22. Thanks bordercrossings, I appreciate your insight (as I'm sure others do as well)!
  23. I've had a few really, really potentially great financial offers, but I'm waiting for all of it to be finalized. I don't want to jinx myself, so I am going to hold off on saying who or where, but once all the dust settles I will give a heads up for those looking for funding for next year. Since I already declined Alfred University, I will say this: it's a fantastic program in a VERY small school in upstate New York. They provide their MFA students will full tuition waivers and a $5,000 stipend. I believe that's standard among all their MFAs. The thing is that the town is so small that there is physically no opportunity for outside work, combined with the fact that it's a rigorous program, so that $5000 has to last you all academic year. So if you have a decent amount of savings or if you are willing to take out some loans, that may be a a good school to look into. The other school, that we just talked about before, is Montclair State in NJ. They are right outside of NYC and as far as I know, offer a tuition waiver for all their MFAs. I'm not sure about additional funding, but I'll post if I find out.
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