Also, has anyone else heard back from UMD Social or SUNYSB? I saw that someone had gotten a UMD Social acceptance yesterday, and I was just curious if the decisions were all out yet. I know people had gotten rejections via the website, but my ASF is showing mine as still in process. And I got an e-mail from SUNY saying I made the initial cut, but I haven't heard anything since early January.
I did, with Green The interview was fine, but from his later comments ("we'll probably be contacting people in a week or so (no intimation I was included), don't get discouraged if you don't hear from people until late, the game's not over, ") I'm guessing I'm not his top choice. I'm just praying I get in SOMEWHERE at this point; it's my second year applying, and I know I'd kick butt. GR.
I heard back from SUNY SB on Jan 1st saying I was in the top group and only people from this group were being considered... but nothing yet besides that.