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Everything posted by AddieElizabeth

  1. Also waitlisted. Crossing fingers for both of us :-)
  2. SUNY Stony Brook finally replied, looks like I'm waitlisted... still better than nothing, I suppose. Anything from Delaware?
  3. Ditto on Delaware-- I haven't heard anything, and there has been no buzz on the results survey. And how about SUNY SB? Anyone?
  4. Any news from UDel or SUNY SB? There has been NOTHING on either of them in the Social Psych area, and I'm finding that rather curious...
  5. Totally missed the fact that your details include being accepted at UMD. Congrats!
  6. Also, has anyone else heard back from UMD Social or SUNYSB? I saw that someone had gotten a UMD Social acceptance yesterday, and I was just curious if the decisions were all out yet. I know people had gotten rejections via the website, but my ASF is showing mine as still in process. And I got an e-mail from SUNY saying I made the initial cut, but I haven't heard anything since early January.
  7. I did, with Green The interview was fine, but from his later comments ("we'll probably be contacting people in a week or so (no intimation I was included), don't get discouraged if you don't hear from people until late, the game's not over, ") I'm guessing I'm not his top choice. I'm just praying I get in SOMEWHERE at this point; it's my second year applying, and I know I'd kick butt. GR.
  8. I heard back from SUNY SB on Jan 1st saying I was in the top group and only people from this group were being considered... but nothing yet besides that.
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