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Everything posted by mswhopeful2012

  1. University of Maryland!!!
  2. Hi RoxyShoe, I also applied to UMB-Baltimore and have not heard back yet. I recently contacted their Admission's dept. administrative staff, and was told not to expect a decision for another 4-6 weeks (I applied last week of February) I'm patiently (ahem, anxiously) waiting to hear back
  3. It definitely sounds like you have the potential! Is there a school nearby you are interested in? Perhaps you could ask a MSW professor to mentor you or meet with and discuss best next steps with! Good luck!!
  4. P.s buy AppleCare and you're basically (except for ridiculous physical damage) guaranteed to have a working computer for 3 years which will get u through the program!......do NOT buy a PC unless you want a major headache trying to meet deadlines!
  5. MAC MAC MAC!!!! Base 13" MacBook Pro will save you SOOO much time + iWork and you are set!!!
  6. It sounds like you are very determined!! I am working on my "this-stinks-but-time-to-keep-trucking contingency plan"!! I may still move out to CA because I really would love to live there am it would give me an opportunity to try and grow more since there really aren't opportunities here. I just have to find a way to make a living and have health insurance before I am able to do that!
  7. I applied to MAP. I still have to hear back from 2 schools, but I really, really wanted to go to Berkeley.
  8. Thanks I really was passionate and still want it very much. Would someone who got accepted be willing to send me your resume and essays so I can see where I went wrong? :::sigh::: gonna take a few days to get over the heartbreak
  9. I wasn't accepted. Words really can't describe how much I needed this in life.
  10. I stayed away as well to give my nerves a break! (latte not in hand)... Back to waiting! (out of state) Congrats to everyone!!
  11. Thanks for the document mapletree!! Great resource. Congrats to everyone do far! I promised myself I wouldn't look at this all weekend, so for those of you who got in, have fun celebrating and for those of us who don't know yet, go have fun distracting yourself! As for me, I'll be distracting myself with volunteering at a 5k race and some other fun things! Have a good weekend everyone!
  12. I know how you feel! Hang in there!
  13. :/. I wasn't aware they give prefer neve to in-staters....trying to stay positive!
  14. Thanks for sharing!! Go celebrate!!!!!!
  15. Congrats mapletree!!! When/ how did you find out?
  16. If I get into Berkeley I'm suggesting a pre-grad-school-start-post-application-process-let's-have-fun-sharing-our-"fun"-admissions-processes night! Lol
  17. YES!! this definitely needs a warning! I'm not on Pacific time so I read this forum about Berkeley pretty late last night because I had woken up. Then I saw people posting acceptances (awesome!) and then the WORST thing happened!!! I got an email from "The UC Berkeley School of Social Welfare" and I'm thinking "Yes! I'll find out now!". And then it was their Spring 2012 general email sent to anyone on their marketing list in their CRM. Womp, Womp and then I had the dreams! So yes, a warning is in order!
  18. Oh no! That dream sounds intense! I agree...this forum does help. I've honestly learned a lot from the people in this forum! My goal is to always grow and better myself because I think that's what leadership calls for and as a social worker one of my goals is to display leadership for those around me. This forum excites me to be immersed in grad school with like minded thinkers Who have different goals so that I can learn from their experiences and grow even more! I'm pretty sure my friends and family are hoping to hear back as much as I am so I find a different topic of conversation, lol! But most of my friends are applying to grad school too, so we're all in it together!
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