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  1. I'm also in the MA program (first year) and I'll echo Alex's comments. K-State is an amazing and extremely supportive program. Please feel free to PM me if you have any questions.
  2. If you're interested in interdisciplinary work, UMass has a lot of faculty working from Marxist perspectives. Just off the top of my head: Jordana Rosenberg (English), Sut Jhally (Communications), and multiple professors in the Economics department. Regarding your current interests, Ron Welburn (English) has published on topics concerning Jazz. The American Studies track of the English PhD would certainly encourage your interdisciplinary interests, however, I don't think the UMass English dept. is the most fitting place for someone interested in contemporary literature and culture.
  3. Chicago is known for theory and Marxism. UFlorida as well. Who were you thinking of working w/ at UMass Amherst? What time period are you interested in?
  4. Definetely not. However, if you're presenting I would have your paper written before you start your program so you don't have to sacrifice time for your course work.
  5. I'll be there! What areas are you presenting in?
  6. Interesting thread...I have articles published on various bodybuilding and fitness websites under my real name. I'm also sponsored by a fitness apparel company and my photo on their team page is me shirtless and flexing (yay meatheads in academia!). I won't be applying to PhD programs for another 2-3 years (after I finish my MA), so I'll probably leave things as is for the time being. However, I assume this would count as a negative web presence lol?
  7. For the April 15th deadline: Do schools need to recieve our official signed acceptance letters by this date? Or do we simply have to notify them by this date (i.e. e-mail, phone, etc.)?
  8. Is anyone else still waiting to hear from schools? I've recieved nothing but radio silence from Purdue.
  9. This is a fantastic document. Hopefully more MA's pop up on there.
  10. www.english.ufl.edu/programs/grad/placement.html
  11. To all Florida applicants: I called the grad office yesterday and the secretary told me my status (something she wouldn't do last week). So chances are if you call now you should be able to get some information. She said they accept 5 students and send out 8 letters. I am mid-way on a 30 person waitlist, so it's unlikely i'll get in. Good luck to everyone else!
  12. Who posted the UF MA waitlist? When I called the English graduate dept. I was told I would have to wait for an e-mail/letter to know my status...
  13. You can always consider taking another year off and applying to as many funded MA programs as you can.
  14. Speaking of the one e-mail at a time approach... I'm yet to hear a word from Buffalo. I fill like there's going to be a massive downpour of rejections coming soon...
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