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Everything posted by GradinRelig

  1. Heyy .. I'm in the same position as you. I'll most likely be accepting Queen's offer also - I'm with the department of religion..so an MA in religion and modernity. I've only been to kingston once and not really sure about the area. Have you visited before? The size of my programme is pretty small - I don't know the exact number but from previous years I've seen its usually between 8 - 12 people. I think I have to start looking for a place soon.. I know some people who go there currently but probably won't be staying next year. I'm thinking I would need to get there end of August or early September. I'm going to be a TAs and there's days teaching the TAs how to be a TA haha But yeah, I'm kinda clueless about kingston .. I know it's not that big and will probably be really different than what I've been used to for the past few years (big school, big city, big department) how about you/anyone else planning on going to Queen's? ... anything interesting?
  2. Hi No, I'm in Canada. I've applied to mostly Canadian schools with one American (Harvard Divinity)
  3. Hey .. I applied to the Masters program. Are you with NMC? What are you studying/program??
  4. Hi, Wow, nice list of schools! Good Luck! I don't know anything about those schools specifically, except they're big name and if you get accepted really big congratulations! From professors I've spoken to in this field there generally there isn't too much funding available for M.A students, but considering many of the programs that I have applied to are Canadian there may be differences (at least you're getting a Canadian perspective now). I know for U of Toronto, the department of religion offers no funding for their M.A students, while the Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations department offers some funding for M.A students. Good luck again!
  5. No news yet for me - I'm waiting to hear from NMC and the Religion department. The only thing that I'm worried about is my lack of language training... but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I did my undergrad at U of T and had strong reference letters and marks. Good luck everyone!
  6. Good Luck everyone!
  7. Hi So I'm kind of new to these forums, and I just wanted to introduce myself and see if anyone is maybe planning on going into the same general area as I am or applied to the same schools. I've applied to U of T (M.A Religious Studies, M.A Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations), Queens (M.A Religion and Modernity), and Harvard Divinity Schools (M.T.S). I'll be focusing on how the Isra'iliyat may have helped influence certain interpretations in early Islam, with a possible focus on the prophet stories. Also I applied to some M.A programs for poll sci but those are more of my "safe" options that I hope I don't need to turn to. The waiting to find out is pretty much making me loose my mind. Good luck to everyone!
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