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Quantum Buckyball

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Status Updates posted by Quantum Buckyball

  1. Good Morning by Mandisa

  2. apparently you can get heartburn from eating too much french fries..

  3. had a dream about someone proposed to me..and me fleeing to Canada???? wth

    1. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      it was the second time having dreams about migrating to Canada :P

  4. Christmas gift came early, totally love this science book I bought off Amazon!

  5. done with my first semester in grad school. Time for some video games

  6. is SO over this pchem class =.=

  7. undergrad parties =/= grad parties.

  8. woke up to another nightmare, FML!

  9. had a nightmare about zombies and vampires last night, fml

  10. My backup plan is to open up a Chipotle franchise..:P

  11. My bullxxxting skill has increased significantly since 4 months ago.

  12. is jack of all trades, master of none

  13. Good Morning by Mandisa ft. TobyMac

  14. Some people need to realize that only have a high GRE score or GPA won't get you an acceptance letter to a PhD program. PhD admission is a totally different ball game compared to undergrad admission =.=

    1. theregalrenegade


      You got that right!

  15. Happy Thursday! Almost done with this semester!

  16. Happy Tuesday! 2 more days until my next exam.

  17. Happy Monday! It's time to get more stuff done and drink more black coffee

  18. Happy Saturday! Praise the Lord

  19. Happy Black Friday! more black coffee please

  20. Happy Thanksgiving! Time to get some wooooork done

  21. Happy Tuesday! another productive and wonderful at work and school ^^

  22. Happy Monday! Thanksgiving break start in 2 days

  23. 284 users are online (in the past 15 minutes) but nobody are in the chat room =,= ?

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