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Quantum Buckyball

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Status Updates posted by Quantum Buckyball

  1. "so hold on, you got to wait for the light, press on, just fight the good fight because the pain you've been feeling, it's just the dark before the morning"

  2. This is the beginning of the rest of your life!

  3. Visitation Weekend, it's time to go mingle with the prospective students :D

  4. Once a Gunner, Always a Gunner.

  5. I am pretty blessed.

  6. My research is pretty fabulous!

  7. I need a hook so you won't be the one that got away

  8. if you want to soar with the eagles, don't fly with the turkeys

    1. Andean Pat
    2. iExcelAtMicrosoftPuns


      Yea, but which one tastes better?

    3. Quantum Buckyball

      Quantum Buckyball

      deep-fried pickles

  9. I could eat a whole strawberry cheesecake right now.... with whipped cream and chocolate syrup and honey.

  10. I am not stressed out. I am not stressed out. I am not stressed out.

  11. @obsessovernothing, "you reap what you sow".

  12. so over with these 8 am classes.....

  13. I'm sorry that my research project is so much more interesting and industrial relevant than yours, k bye.

    1. VBD


      Interest is in the eye of the beholder?

    2. Cookie
  14. church in 45 min! then back to the lab to work until 10 pm.

    1. foreverfree


      life of a researcher!!

    2. uromastyx


      that's why i love the weekends. i can do one or two personal things, but catch up on work!

  15. ADHD is completely bogus, it's more like "lack of self-discipline".

  16. Change the world, change your mind, We defy space and time! This is the beginning of the rest of your life!

  17. Wake up to a brand new day!

    1. uromastyx


      Good, considering yesterday was Groundhog Day ;)

    2. Andean Pat
  18. Sweet Home 3D software is probably one of the best floor planning freewares out there!

  19. Is it possible to have Dunning-Kruger syndrome and Imposter syndrome simultaneously?

    1. Two Espressos

      Two Espressos

      I think most grad students fluctuate between the two extremes.

    2. musichistorygeek


      I think it's called "getting ready to defend a thesis."

  20. What If We Were Real by Mandisa

  21. "Looks like you are a natural at molecular biology." - my new advisor ^^

  22. my advisor is more awesome than yours.

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