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    Asian Media (Japan, China, Korea, India, Taiwan)
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    Global Communications

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  1. If anybody is still reading this/waiting--I e-mailed and got a response in about a week. I was accepted--no funding They still seem to be in the process of notifying accepted applicants, so if you're waiting, it may still be good news!
  2. For a single, it's not a great idea. But most of the places won't actually offer you a lease this far out. There are some of the university district housing that will sign you earlier, but most are 2-3 months out(so June-ish). That's what I'm finding anyway. If you're looking for roommates/share, then you should totally start looking right now.
  3. Anybody hear from LSE/USC yet??? I still have nothing...I'm about to e-mail them.
  4. Yeah, I have a feeling this is totally normal. I'm pretty stressed about whether I'm making the right choice--so much so that I won't allow myself to think of one option more than another, as if unfairly giving one option more time will bias me. Between that and the compulsive checking of e-mails, survey results, and application websites, I may have developed OCD. That being said, I think I'm in the process of breaking through grad-school-induced madness, and hopefully, sanity will be on the other side.
  5. I want to say Mizzou. I knew a couple very talented and successful journalists with advanced degrees from Mizzou. I have heard good things about Florida, though. Sorry for my probably-not-helpful and limited perspective. Good luck!
  6. Regarding Master's applicants, having applied previously to grad school(and currently waiting for this year's version of events), I can attest that just because you haven't heard anything yet, doesn't mean you have been rejected. The first go-round, I didn't hear back from all but one of my schools until early/mid-March. I didn't hear about funding from one until the end of April(that pissed me off like you would not believe). So...I would say to you Master's applicants--chill. Or try to. If you haven't heard by the 16th, then start to panic. Otherwise, chill.
  7. I notice a lot of people have posted about this topic, both this year and in the past, but it's all very specific about their programs or someone is talking about PhDs, which is really a differently entity entirely. Of course, this issue is one I am dealing with, but I think it's also a good topic to explore more hypothetically as well, so I've amended the information to make it more generic, and perhaps more helpful for the GradCafe community at large. So, here's the question: Is it worth paying for a Master's degree? The (hypothetical) situation: You have been accepted to a Master's program at your top pick. Funding is more rare for Master's in most fields(this one included), and no offer has been (or is expected to be) made. The school is high-ranked, there are several professors in the department doing relevant and interesting research, and the courses are also relevant and interesting. The cost to attend until degree completion would be around $50,000 USD, and would be born almost entirely by loans, private and government. There is already undergraduate debt, but less than $15,000. Other schools have also offered acceptance, but with similar funding issues. Is it worth paying for this degree? Would you consider the situation differently if there were a full funding offer from another school, but with lower-ranking, only 1 or maybe 2 professors doing relevant work, less-relevant coursework, and possibly, less opportunities? Is paying for a good Master's degree and getting the name recognition, networking potential, and opportunity potential worth the amount of debt incurred? What do you think?
  8. Hey fellow applicants! Any updates from USC/LSE? I'm starting to get rather anxious as March rolls ever closer...
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