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Everything posted by sociologo

  1. ....Am I the only one who thought wine gummies were actually just gummies soaked in wine? Yes? Okay. I might try those anyway. I make a lemon tahini vegetable dip that is beyond delicious. Fresh veggies with the dip, avocados, rice cakes, and wayyyy too much tea: this is my lunch almost every day. Not sorry.
  2. Tennessee's visit day is also for applicants - not people who have been accepted into the program. I think that's why it's so soon after the deadline.
  3. I didn't hear from Temple until Feb. 28 last year. Northeastern was March 4. Checked my email for the dates - also didn't get info about funding right away. Just fyi.
  4. Ha! I played with the Sporcle geography games so much last year while I was waiting. I loved it so much I offered a few extra credit points to my undergrads when we were doing geography/globalization topics...
  5. I'm in the same situation and had to do this same process when I started my program this fall. Lots of good advice already offered, but I'll throw in my two cents. Look at the airlines that fly out of each airport and look for smaller airlines. Sometimes these can be surprisingly cheap, but usually have limited service. Examples: Airtran, Allegiant. I've also found that it's sometimes cheaper to buy two one-way flights, especially around holidays for whatever reason.
  6. For those of you doing long distance currently, have you had any issues with being judged for visiting your s/o? For my partner and I, it was easier for me to visit him last semester, and I flew down twice to see him, as well as spent most of the winter break with him. I've been very cautious about mentioning my visits because I'm afraid that people - either other grad students or professors - will think I'm not taking the program seriously. Any comments I've had so far have been from other students. It'll be easier this semester - he'll mostly be traveling to see me. I was just wondering if other people have experienced this, and how they handled it.
  7. I think study abroad programs are significantly cheaper if you decide to do one outside of Europe/Australia. I did mine in Guatemala back in 2008, and I think the experience was invaluable. It was a non-traditional program in the sense that I completed my formal coursework when I got back to the States. My entire time in Guatemala was spent traveling between a variety of service projects. The only formal school part of the trip was three weeks of language school spread out in the beginning of the trip. I think the experience is definitely worth the money. For me, the time really helped to focus my interests within sociology, and my research is still heavily influenced by my experiences there. If you have the ability to do a semester abroad that won't completely empty your bank account, do it. Feel free to pm me if you'd like information about the organization I went through or specifics to the types of semesters they do.
  8. In my department, there was a grad student who was engaged to an undergrad in the same major. She registered for classes before he found out who he was TA-ing for, and she ended up being in one of his classes. At that point, it was too late to switch classes or TA assignments - they also have a child, so it was hard to re-arrange schedules. He just told the professor he was TA-ing the situation at the beginning of the semester, and the prof. was fine with it. Just meant the prof herself ended up grading the girl's work/exams, and they had some sort of arrangement regarding when/where he did the grading and kept the exams.
  9. A lot of departments have some sort of graduate student association - either for the department or the graduate college itself. You could maybe coordinate going out with your department friends with an event being hosted by a larger organization - a mixer or something. Great idea in general though.
  10. This is the sort of stuff my mother shows me anytime I'm about to move in with someone/somewhere new. Although, I got a one bedroom this time around, and I'm wondering if she'll start sending me articles about the horrors of a young woman living alone. She always finds those websites where it shows the crime rates in a city or where the rapists live in your neighborhood. So full of positivity...
  11. Welp.....am I the only one moving to Knoxville this year? Anyone out there have any experience with the area? I didn't get a chance to visit the school before I accepted the offer.
  12. Take as little as you can. Get the big stuff once you are there. I moved from New Hampshire to Florida for the fall 2010 semester, and am now preparing to move from Florida to Tennessee. Ship your books via USPS media mail - it's cheaper. Get one of the small U-haul trailers and stuff as much into that and your car as you can. Ship the rest. I always think that I look like the Joad family from Grapes of Wrath when I move - everything just shoved into cracks, trying to use all the space I have. On one hand, I had the advantage of not having any furniture - my FL apartment is furnished. On the other hand, I drive a neon which is tiny.
  13. I met my boyfriend while in my Masters program. Not the same as a PhD but still a really rigorous schedule. He was and still is finishing his Bachelors. Fortunately, he also really values school and was really understanding when I had too much coursework to hang out or if I was being really stress-y. Even when he doesn't quite get how staring at blank word document for three hours counts as "writing my paper," he has similar quirks pertaining to his own major. I think having the same values and attitudes about school really helps.
  14. I find that I have more issues with my own family. Since they didn't go to college, they didn't really see a need for me to do anything either.
  15. For those already living in the Boston area: What do you guys think about living slightly outside the city? I'll be starting at Northeastern in the fall, and just like everyone else in this forum, I am grossed out by how expensive housing is. If I'm going to pay that much, I'd like to get a little more for my money.. I know the commute will depend on the area, but would 30-40 minutes be so bad for the first year of a PhD program?
  16. There's one in my current cohort, but they aren't the same program or school. The guy started in a program after his girlfriend had already been in for a year. I'm in your boat though. My boyfriend still has a year of undergrad left, and I'm currently a Masters student entering a PhD program in the fall. We tease each other about it. When I started applying, I made it very clear that I was going to go wherever my academic goals would best be met, and I did not limit my applying in any way. He's been wonderfully supportive, even when it came down to choosing a school 30 miles away and one that is 1700 miles away. Being long-distance will be hard, but we are both willing to try, and that's all I can really ask for right now. I made it very clear when I began the process that I was going to apply to schools that were good fits for me, even if they were far away. He's been
  17. Eh I'm okay with no electricity. I like rural areas and enjoy rural sociology. If there wasn't instability of some kind, apparently a civil war in this case, there wouldn't be very much for us to study in sociology. However, I don't think an entire continent can have a civil war. Oh right this is about ranked programs. I hope they don't matter. I didn't even bother to look at rankings when deciding which programs to apply to. Shows how important I thought that was.
  18. I think I'd be okay with a tenure-track job in Africa.
  19. My research focuses on Guatemala, and I've spent some time living down there! Do you mind pm'ing me about what type of research you were doing? I'd love to hear about it.
  20. Probably not - some spots do move around through the summer. Doesn't hurt to email and ask where you are on the list though.
  21. What are you doing that involves you knowing Q'iche?!
  22. Ah, I frequently re-read The Grapes of Wrath - right now actually! One of my favorite books. It's a really good accompaniment to Marx, so it usually fits with a lot of my courses.
  23. Anybody else accept the offer? I got off the waitlist for funding in the globalization concentration and was very happy to accept! Would love to hear if anybody else is heading that way.
  24. ....I'm surprised at the silence. I accepted an offer from Northeastern University! I'll be happy to be back in New England.
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