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Everything posted by sociologo

  1. Oh no, they can definitely admit PhDs without funding. Happened to me three times so far. Was told I am on a waitlist for funding, so I'm assuming I will maybe get more information after April 15. Still seems like a long shot.
  2. I second that trend of baking and/or cooking whenever I am stressed....then I just have to find someone to eat it. I read for pleasure at least a little every day, try to spend time outside on the weekends, regularly look at pictures of cats online since I can't have them in my apartment.... I also recently got Rosetta Stone for Spanish and Hebrew. Spanish just to keep fresh. Hebrew because my boyfriend is Israeli, and it's just so different from English.
  3. I'm accepted to a few schools but waitlisted for funding (who does that?!). Should I still be keeping my hopes alive or is this just sort of a prolonged rejection?
  4. No. All of mine have been during the week, though some have come fairly late at night - 9 pm and later.
  5. And at least some funding information has been released from Temple. Waitlisted. Hope others got better news!
  6. Some of my east coast schools emailed me as late as 11 pm. I got one last night around 8 pm. Maybe I shouldn't have told you that...
  7. Okay, so after reading this thread, I am still left with a question. I have an offer that is fully funded. I have a handful of other acceptances where I am either still waiting for funding information or have been waitlisted for funding. I know that I will only go to a school that funds me, and I do generally like the school that has given me a funding package. However, given the opportunity, I would choose one of the other schools over the one that is funding me so far. Say April 15 rolls around, and I accept the funded offer, only to find out later (a week or two? who knows how long that takes) that I've received funding at one of the schools I like more. How do you phrase that email?
  8. I'm finding that the funding issue is even more insanity-inducing than the rest of the process. I'm accepted to places - Cool! I can't afford to go unless I'm funded - awesome! At least April 15 is only a month away, so the insanity should stop then, right? Right?!
  9. Well, that is disappointing...
  10. Well, I will keep my fingers crossed for good news by the end of the week hopefully..
  11. Yeah I responded similarly and asked if there was any new information regarding funding available. No reply yet, but it's only been a few hours. From what you're saying, it sounds like we should have some more information by the end of the week.... This waiting for funding info bit is really testing my sanity.
  12. For those who got accepted to Temple: I got an email today from their admin. assistant saying I needed to submit a deposit by March 23 in order to secure my enrollment for the Fall. I still haven't received funding information from them, other than being told that I was "nominated for a university fellowship." No information since that original email about 3 weeks ago. Has anyone else received info about funding? Or can anyone else chime in? I'm not going to pay this deposit unless I know I have funding and actually am attending. Could I lose my spot? I don't really have the spare $200 since I am already a poor graduate student..
  13. So you think maybe funding hasn't been released at all? I have a few other schools that have done that but were upfront saying that "yes you're admitted, but we aren't handing out funding yet." Hmmm. Yes, the admin. assistant has been very helpful with everything except funding answers. Maybe we'll get more answers after the visiting weekend. I'm also not going - way too expensive to travel from Florida.
  14. Accepted Berkeley and Madison but chose FIU. Interesting.
  15. Woops, I did just that coming into my Master's. I got a full funding offer early-May after I'd already committed to a different school with partial funding. I just told them my situation had changed, and I was not going to be able to attend their program. They were a little miffed but didn't give me a hard time over it, and really, it's your choice.
  16. Did anyone receive funding to Northeastern? I'm in the same boat with everyone listed above. "We are not able to offer you funding at the time of this writing, however, should funds become available, I will be in touch immediately." No update on that for 3ish weeks.
  17. Yeah I emailed them too once I saw a few people on here had gotten accepted. Haven't heard anything either so but hopefully we both will soon.
  18. There are MA programs out there that fund, though I think they are a lot less common. Personally, I wouldn't go an MA program unfunded - you need to at least have partial funding. I just wouldn't want that much debt. I feel really lucky that that program I'm in currently funds all of its MA students.
  19. Anybody who got into Temple and nominated for a university fellowship hear back about that yet? Or funding from Knoxville? Also, I saw on the results page that people have heard from Pittsburgh. I emailed them recently and was told they hadn't sent out admissions letters yet? Confusion.
  20. I got accepted to Northeastern via email from the graduate program head a few weeks ago - without funding though. I know they recently had an open house for admitted students. Try emailing them directly.
  21. "That's like psychology, right?" Or..... "Why do you need a PhD in sociology to be a social worker?"
  22. A handful of acceptances makes me feel better, but the lack of news on funding is stressing me out. What's the point of being accepted if I can't afford to go?
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