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Everything posted by naifang

  1. Ran the question by graduate assistance today and she told me basicly the same thing. Guess I will just try to forget about this for a while and concentrate on the finals for now. GL to everyone with their exams btw!
  2. that is discouraging. I have had a couple of courses taken in the last two years of my study and gotten 50s. now that economics department have accepted me I'm now really worried that I would be rejected by graduate studies...
  3. anyone got conditional offers saying acceptance based on the condition that you complete honours undergraduate degree with a upper second class standing? I'm really worried about the upper second class standing part. I'm worried that I'm going to screw up the final term and my overall average drops below B+
  4. Guess we will be classmates this fall, me too going in masters in economics at Queen's. The best time to find places to live was actually around february. but if you want to find a nice place like homestead owned apartments you should start looking by the end of june, since they need a 2 month notice before people move out.
  5. I know! what's up with them not replying emails, only takes a couple of minutes....
  6. anybody applied for MA in economics there? got any feedbacks yet? The wait is killing me!
  7. thanks for all your replies, can finally have a nice sleep tonight
  8. So I got this email from Queen's econ graduate coordinator this tuesday, and here's the first part of the it: I am very pleased to inform you that we have recommended your acceptance into the M.A. program in the Department of Economics at Queen’s University. You will receive an official letter of acceptance from the School of Graduate Studies and Research at Queen’s, both online and, when your acceptance is final, by mail Has anyone received this before? What does this mean exactly? Why can't they just send me one letter indicating clearly if I'm accepted or not..... Thanks.
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