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  1. After MUCH deliberating, I have also accepted my offer from U of T as of today! For those of you whose heart lies with UBC, this means a spot has opened up for you! Best of luck to everyone and looking forward to meeting my fellow classmates!
  2. KK. I applied to housing at U of T before they even sent the information. On their housing website they encourage people to apply as early as possible even if they haven't received an offer which leads me to believe the two (offers and information on housing) are not linked. It is hard for me to remember exactly because I completed so many applications, but I know for some schools they ask if you want to be sent housing information, perhaps you chose 'no' in response to this question for U of T?
  3. For those Canadians applying to SLP in the states just had my telephone interview with Syracuse University. They asked about my clinical and research experiences. They seem to be a very friendly and very supportive school. Very open to answering questions and keeping a dialogue going with students. A stark contrast to the oftentimes stand offish impression the Canadian schools leave... don't email us, we'll email you kind of message. Would be happy to attend Syracuse, but am very concerned about financing such an endeavour!
  4. Hi Trejsi, I've read your posts and was wondering if this was the GPA you had when you applied initially or did you work on your grades in addition to improving your resume since first applying? I'm in a similar situation GPA-wise and am of course trying to guess about my chances. Thanks for your help.
  5. For anyone still waiting on the U of A I emailed and received this response today.......... "The Admissions Committee is still in the process of contacting successful applicants, and we have not met our quota. Once we have our quota we will be contacting applicants on the waiting list"
  6. Hey Slphopeful. I'm posting the link to those results again, as I fear the link I already posted may go unnoticed. All posted results from U of A applicants over the years... http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=speech+alberta&t=a&o=&pp=250
  7. slp000123 thanks for phoning! You made my weekend with that news. The GRE is an awful thing! If you are great in every other aspect though I feel like you don't have to worry too much. Last year when I inquired about how they view scores the grad advisor said that as long as you score above the 50th percentile in all three areas you should be fine. Considering they are so vague about it, and never really answer about lowest cut-off scores I feel like it's just a hurdle they have created to weed out people who just decide to throw in an application, but then again who knows! (No offense to those of you who didn't want to write it, I don't blame you) My GRE's are not stellar either (but above that 50th percentile mark in all areas), my GPA for last 60 credits is 3.55 which they say is competitive, but I'm not sure really what that means (first time I applied, and not admitted it was 3.3). Last year the lowest average they admitted was 3.4. I'm really banking on my speech experience (1 year with adult population, 1 year with kids), numerous additional volunteer activities including president of a school club with over 300 members, and research in both a developmental and hearing lab (no published papers though) will make me stand out.... but then again.... who knows! lol Finally, I saw someone on the survey was admitted to U of A with a 3.7 in the last 60 credits to give you an idea of the grades they accepted this past week. They posted their GRE scores too but it is the new grading system they posted and I'm not familiar with that as mine are from the old GRE, so I don't know how good they were. Check it out tho if you're curious! I really just wish all of us could get in! Good luck again to everyone!
  8. Congrats to those who have acceptances! To those still waiting....609 views of this thread and only 8 posts.... maybe it's a good sign that many are also waiting and searching for answers as they too have not heard back? "Slp Hopeful" I have only applied to U of A as well and am pretty bummed about not hearing anything yet. I've heard a few conflicting pieces of information regarding this school.... some have gotten acceptances, while another said they phoned and that people wouldn't be notified until May (which didn't make too much sense to me considering the website says first week of April)... I'm thinking I'm going to probably cave at some point this week and phone or email. When I do I will report back with any info ASAP! As for those waiting to hear from Ontario schools hang in there April 2 is just a few more days away! All the best to everyone... keep on posting!
  9. Hey Leah04, Thanks for your feedback, it's nice to be able to chat about this with other people in the same position. This is my second year applying to SLP after returning to university this year to boost my GPA. I only applied to the University of Alberta (only applied to one for various reasons). I'm from Ontario though, so I'm not sure how or whether the U of A factors this into their decision. The gradcafe admission results page had a couple of postings where people were admitted to U of A around March 14th and 15th in 2010 and 2011 so I'm really hoping to hear something soon... mainly because I can't take the waiting any longer lol. Not sure about Dal, UBC or McGill unfortunately. Hopefully more people find this as an entertaining way to pass the time and can help us out!
  10. Hi there, Thought I'd start a thread for those of us waiting to hear back from Canadian SLP schools. Please share if you've heard anything from Canadian programs, or have any helpful information for those of us getting anxious! Thanks!
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