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Everything posted by pikachu

  1. Thank you guys for replies! I emailed program and got decision today..
  2. Got my first rejection this year... From my dream school. The only actually school that I intended to go to. It is expected, it is damn fair and just and logical... But it still hurts. I am at work, but crying and don't care that mascara is all over my face. That's all. And... rejection text itself sounds like "never apply again". And... it's 4th year that I apply (not specifically there) and fail. And it's clear that I am stupid. The good thing that I wrote already letter about leaving my job (sorry, forgot how it is called in English, and internet is so damn slow to check it out... this happens even in 21th century). No need to earn money to pay for studies. I am buying ticket and going home. Done.
  3. sorry for being paranoid, but it seems that EPFL issued a lot (maybe all?) admissions decisions for Master programs on Feb, 24. and I didn't get any email Heavy thoughts put their feet on my shoulders. Maybe they forgot about me or consider my application not complete because of only 2 recs filled online (though we solved this issue with registrar office and they told that everything is ok) kinda stupid topic, but cannot do anything... should I email them? but it's not even beginning of March (official decision-making deadline). But I just don't know How I will wait till this unreachable beginning of March Please, if you didn't hear from EPFL Masters too, please drop a post You will save me from insanity
  4. on the results survey page there are many results from the same university and same program I wait news from. And I didn't hear anything Maybe my application got lost. Having bad feeling. Panicking... Who invented Sundays?
  5. I didn't hear anything yet too. Though it's clearly written on the website that results will be in the beginning of March. Clearly for everybody, but not for pikachu. I still wait like crazy since beginning of Feb But guys, we are learning to wait It's a very good thing.
  6. AAAAAAHHHH! I am running in circles like crazy spongebob hitting myself against the table. brrr, brr, brr. want it to be over, to go on with my life. somehow. this unclarity makes me crazy! Ufff, feeling much better. Only here people understand me Yes, this is a really very long February....
  7. thin budget
  8. -Heh, look, another savior of the world with crappy GPA! -Oooh man... Who could know when I dreamt to be a prof, I would read such... such... hmm.. unprofessional, uncoherent things. -Shit happens... What she wants in result? Artificial scientist? -Yep... -Sigh... and the background of my SoP becomes red from being rejected or being shy for being that stupid
  9. Hey! Sorry, maybe I should not post here, since I am not successful applicant and don't know specifics of your field. But psychologically I understand you very well. For myself I decided that yes, life is about making decisions in permanent uncertainty. Just once you should "believe" (don't like this word) and commit. And yes, you don't waste your time. You do your best? Yes. You follow your dream? Yes. So what waste of time you are talking about? Hey, you know that you want to do research! If you are interested in research going in top-tier universities, you should apply there. Failed? Find a way to improve and do again. Hey, and you didn't get rejections this year. And you improved your profile comparing to the previous year. I hope you will get in! And... if this place you live now makes you depressive... maybe finish everything and just move to bigger opportunities, new life If I don't get in school this year (and probably i won't), as plan B I move. Cannot live here anymore. Makes me crazy, depressive. Sorry, for being not very rational and reasonable. Just wish best of luck to you!
  10. Once my first excitement after submitting application went away, I faced reality. My chances to be admitted are really not that high. There are some though. So having plan B is just rational. Plan B shouldn't be complete boredom, so the single thought about it makes you get a lemon face. If I don't get in my masters program, I pack my stuff, leave job, and... migrate for some time to Ireland wanted to live a bit there from the times of childhood. Will be cool New Exciting Feeling wind kissing my face Problems with work permit, visa, bla-bla-bla is a different thing. At least will have a lot of stuff to do after mourning my rejection.
  11. well, I decided to be brave and do this. reread. and in the first(!) paragraph of my SoP I see: "..., I decided to reduce the problem OF necessity OF having some sense OF life to the set OF “computable” within lifetime problems" holy sh*t! some word freq. table for this miserable sentence: of - 4 problem - 2 life - 2 to - 2 can't believe I honestly wasn't drunk when writing this! adcoms: "This girl is a master OF redundant use OF unappropriate combinations OF words complete turn-OFf " decided to stop at first paragraph. to preserve sanity.
  12. Vitamin Overdose
  13. disassemble-assemble laptop or fall in love
  14. OMG.... Can't believe that another girl on the other side of the Earth is doing this, too!
  15. thanks for the link! started reading. for me this text has quite a big "resistance", so goes slooooooowly but so interesting and feeling already more academic
  16. oooh, that's wonderful and romantic! she was waiting for true love
  17. 24, ou la la according to my country customs, should get married asap, almost spinster so.. if I decide to do Phd studies, I am joining spinster_forever club automatically, hehe
  18. hall1k, special thanks to you! revising discrete math and statistics lectures now. helped a lot to throw away all doubts from my head. after all, if i don't get in, it is time spent in a useful way
  19. Thanks again, guys! Well, I am turning down the job offer and waiting for news from school thanks for supporting! that's what I really I wanted to do deep inside.
  20. aberrant, hall1k, thank you soooo much for your answers! feeling not alone in making hard decisions. actually it is not really cool job like in Amazon, Google, etc. It is just promises-to-be-interesting job... in a nice team of guys. Nothing overambitious Having BS in software engineering, I want to get masters in order to learn more about machine learning. Though it is not specifically machine leaning masters, but I can choose there a lot of very interesting courses. Guys, you gave me a lot of info to think of. thank you again!Will go to walk and reflect a bit
  21. I am inventing strange rituals and following them, omg... like standing under cold shower for 1 minute every day hoping that somebody sitting among the clouds will think "poor crazy girl" and grant me admission for this consistent self-torture
  22. Hey-hey, guys well, the situation is that I applied to CS masters program to École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne. it is absolutely a dream to get there. But it is kinda unreal. Because.. hmm. I am very not outstanding, mediocre, average, nothing special, can continue endlessly And... most important thing I got rejection from this school 2 years ago. Well, I worked a bit on my personal statement, refined my interests, got more work experience (industrial, not research...), learnt French But in general I am the same person. Didn't become super_sexy_applicant. But I applied. And waiting for results that should show up by March. And... I got very-very nice job offer... and they want my immediate answer, next week is the deadline, since I should join the project start-up there And I don't know what to do. Yes, probably, I should go with work proposal... anyway, I won't be accepted to EPFL. But what if... And this thought doesn't go out of head. What would you do in such situation? Thank you very much for reading this. Feeling much better that I can share...
  23. Congrats, lexicana! Great news! I am sooo happy for you and sending many-many hugs! Thank you very much for sharing, gives us some hope!
  24. Heey guys Well, I am round N applicant (where n >= 2 ), too. Dunno, maybe it can be called a loser? I was applying to masters and phd since 2009. This year felt shy even to ask for recommendations... Because I always ask for recs and don't get in! OK, once I got into unfunded masters, but could not manage financial stuff on time. Sad experience. But let's never give up! The dream that is hard to achieve is sweeter when it comes true. This year I applied only to 2 master programs. Not very smart, but the reason is also financial. These ones I absolutely love, but also can afford without scholarship... Though it will be hard time. And nobody gives scholarship to such candidate as me. Undergrad from unknown, unranked uni from third-world country, GPA 3.21, GRE 770Q/350V/3.0W... ::facepalm:: But.. I believe that if one tries hard enough, it will work. Once Dream-activity-of-life is like a dream relationship with man It is worth trying to make it work. 2nd time or 10th So no regret It will be fine! And now.. Now I am writing code to earn money to pay for my masters if I get admitted And yeees.. harassing F5
  25. Got my first rejection yesterday too it's strange but pikachu cried under the shower after reading it. I was hoping to get admitted too much, I think. Maybe it's better to expect the worst while waiting. Hugging everybody who got rejected too...
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