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Everything posted by dika149

  1. Rejected by Rutgers this morning, so I imagine those of you waiting will be hearing back soon. Nothing yet from NYU. Edited to add: What do people make of getting accepted by top ranked programs and then rejected by lower ones? Rutgers is great and the faculty are amazing, but I was admitted by more selective programs. Are people in the committee hedging against being turned down? Or am I trying to fix an explanation on what is by nature a pretty random process?
  2. I too was part of the Brown AmStudies rejection pool, but haven't heard back anything from Harvard yet. Looks like some people have an update from Harvard in their signatures -- anyone still waiting to hear back from them?
  3. Has anyone heard anything back from Rutgers or NYU in the last week? I think I've heard that NYU's already had their admitted students day. I'm happy with the acceptances I have, but don't want to move ahead with the paperwork until all the cards are on the table.
  4. Anyone in GSAS get an orientation email with registration info, etc? I had to email and call the office to get my UNI sent to me (they've no idea why of course it wasn't sent in the first place), but I'm now wondering if there's anything else I'm missing. I'm in the Liberal Studies MA program so would love to know if anyone's gotten emails from them -- or GSAS generally. Thanks!
  5. I'm guessing you applied to the East Asian Studies Program? I applied to the American Studies MA. I realize it's probably still a bit early, but am hoping I'll hear sooner rather than later.
  6. Anyone heard anything from the Columbia Liberal Studies MA program? I know the deadline wasn't that long ago, but I feel like we must be coming up on decisions soon.
  7. I realize it's probably still early days -- looks like last year decisions came out around the first week in May -- but the vacuum of having no information at all about the decision timeline is making me sweat...
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