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Everything posted by Tupamaros

  1. Fellow Columbia applicants, are your GREs still unmatched with your app?
  2. So, what colleges shall we be hearing from next week? Wisconsin, UCLA, Duke maybe, any shouts?
  3. Nice one to the FSU and OSU admits, congrats! Might get a few more today
  4. Giving up gradcafe for over 2 weeks at this time, you cray! I'm out of the country (with phone/internet access, though I'll be very busy and hopefully will resist internets) early Feb for a bit, this will alleviate the stress somewhat that comes with relative inertia.
  5. No-one has claimed it, and as you'll read in the posts above, their veracity has been questioned. Seems too early. Also, congrats to the new Illinois recipient
  6. Yeah someone did get that email not so long ago, and a couple of us didn't. I've just checked my application on the website, no change and the GREs unmatched with my application on the system still.
  7. Yeah my thoughts were along similar lines, but thanks for the more detailed breakdown. I was very suspicious, and then the second acceptance popped up, which made me give it more thought. I would think you are right however, seems far too early.
  8. Yeah would be great to just know and plan! That acceptance seems at odds with previous years though.
  9. Not mine, unfortunately! Was merely saying it's up in the research results
  10. Congrats to the person who got word from UCSD! Seems quite early, please tell me it's Pacific rather than Pol Sci lol
  11. I didn't receive the email from Columbia either GopherGrad.
  12. Congrats to the recipient of the offer from U of North Texas!
  13. One experienced LOR writer for me told me that they are very used to issues with late LORs etc. and such problems. Don't worry, it's really not a big deal, but I also understand your worry as one wants everything to be in order. You've already contacted the grad office, so it's all good once the letter was previously submitted and this was confirmed to you, you won't miss out because of some system hitch that may effect many applications.
  14. Got one from Stanford a while back, was too soon to be anything other than something like the email you received, so luckily no heart in mouth moment.
  15. Congrats on the invitation brady, positive news. No word from Columbia or anyone else in relation to missing scores, or anything at all. No news good news at the moment I guess. Having said that, Columbia's website still says my GRE's have not been received, so doubt there is need for anyone to worry yet.
  16. Yes! Picking up a bit Welcome, comrades Gopher Grad, I would say Stanford is out in under 4 weeks potentially. Most will be after that I think. End of January/early Febuary we'll be wrecks.
  17. Interviews, another potential source of nerve-wrecking! Just let me in, please
  18. I was the same, didn't contact anyone and left it blank!
  19. Think I'll be hearing throughout the month of Feb for all, will fly by Threads from previous years have entertained me in the mean time.
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