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  • Application Season
    2013 Spring

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  1. I just completed the MA in Media Studies at The New School entirely online, and I'm in the process of applying to Ph.D. programs. I'll let you know if they snub me! I've had many in-person chats and email exchanges with professors and students at several of the top programs. The online aspect only came up once in conversation, and I didn't get any sense that it was considered a knock against me. If you do get into one of these programs, try to make yourself present as much as possible at the school and/or at conferences and other events. Doing a program online doesn't mean you have to be uninvolved. Also, it's very possible to develop strong relationships with professors in online classes. Participate as much as possible, do all the assignments to the best of your ability and tackle something of substance for your thesis. There may be a stigma to online programs, but I think more weight is given to a school's reputation and what you have to show at the conclusion of your program. And doing these programs online is not as easy as some people might think. Sure, you COULD slack off and phone it in. But you can do that on campus, too. These programs are really what you make of them. Good luck!
  2. I didn't study long, but I intensely studied for 4 weeks. That included taking 5 full-length practice tests from Kaplan, as well as practicing with Princeton, Cliff's Notes Math Guide, and Barron's math flash cards. I essentially had to entirely relearn math. I couldn't have even told you what an integer was before starting to study for the GRE. Ended up with 168 V, 157 Q and 5.0 AWA. It's all about honing a test-taking strategy. My strategy on test day: 1. For questions you're pretty sure you can get right: Take the time to make sure you don't screw them up with stupid, hasty mistakes. 2. For questions you know you will struggle with: Try to eliminate some answers, then take a best guess.
  3. I don't mean to hijack or anything, but your scores are similar to mine: 168 V, 157 Q, 5.0 AWA. I'm applying to communications/media studies Ph.D. programs, and I'm also wondering if that quant is going to be an issue. (I've been searching around to see what people are saying about similar scores, and it's typically the opposite: high quant, lower verbal. It's been tough to get a handle on what high verbal/lower quant scores might mean to an adcom.)
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