Why is it sad to focus on the silly rankings? Your most important advice, I believe, had a little something to do with rankings:
Perhaps it is sad that rankings are given that much weight at all.
Thank you for the info. I appreciate it. Your rankings help.
Another question: what about placement rankings like this one: http://lawandcourts.wordpress.com/2007/ ... -ruuumble/
It seems like Northwestern, among others, places well. Are these "placement rankings" bunk?
I guess my problem lies in that I can only discern the top 10 Us (e.g., Har. Yale, Princeton, Stanford, Mich, UCB,). After the obvious 5-10, I don't really know where everyone stands. For example, if we are going off lay-prestige, I would say Penn is better than Wisconsin, but not so according to these rankings. Can you help with that?
This makes it seem like the T-25 is a definitive list; but there are different rankings systems and lots of gray area around the the rankings. Off of which ranking system are you basing this? Can you give us a reference point?