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Everything posted by polisciapp

  1. check your messages, uncapp.
  2. Decisions will go out next week.
  3. Congrats! You have some nice choices.
  4. I'm interested to see how UT treats its own. Good luck!
  5. And a Minnesota.
  6. Alanapsci, What are your subfields? Stats?
  7. From its website: "Financial Aid Graduate Assistantships - Most of our students are awarded graduate assistantships upon admission. A full-time appointment includes a nine-month stipend of $16,556.28 for beginning graduate students and $17,426.37 for advanced students (as of 2004). Tuition is waived for graduate students who are awarded half or full teaching assistantships and with full time registration (6 credits or more & maintaining a 3.0 or better). Both half and full teaching assistants may purchase excellent health-care coverage, heavily subsidized by UConn. Full-time assistantships involve a twenty-hour per week service to the department; one half of available time is typically devoted to studies and one-half to duties related to the teaching program. International applicants are eligible for Graduate Assistantships, yet must demonstrate proficiency in English at the time of the application. The submission of TSE scores is strongly recommended for consideration for financial aid. Supplemental support is often available for the summer (See below). Predoctoral Fellowships - Stipends of up to $6,000 are available for students who intend to earn the Ph.D. and who have demonstrated the capability for completion of a doctoral program. These awards range from tuition equivalency to the full fellowship. Doctoral Dissertation Fellowships - Competition for a $2,000 doctoral dissertation fellowship is held twice a year for students in the final year who have passed the general examination and whose dissertation prospectus has been approved. Doctoral Dissertation Extraordinary Expenses - Ph.D. students who have passed the criteria for a doctoral dissertation fellowship (see above) may apply for up to $500 for non-routine expenses directly related to data collection for the dissertation. Summer Fellowships - $750 for one session or $1,500 for two. Awarded by the University of Connecticut Research Foundation upon nomination by the department head. Additional aid and loans based on need are available for domestic students through programs administered by the Office of Financial Aid. "
  8. To do that (at least to be on par with Posner), you'll have to graduate first in your class from U of C law school, write prolifically, be appointed to the Seventh Circuit, publish even more prolifically, and be extremely pretentious.
  9. I know someone accepted into a PhD program there, but this person has not yet received info on funding.
  10. If you don't already live there, move to Florida--though I doubt that is as "far away" as you want.
  11. There is one school that I am pretty sure I won't get into, despite it being the best program for my interests. What does everyone think of this: Dear X: Thank you for considering my application for admission. Unfortunately, this year I submitted applications to other schools, and the silence from X has presented serious emotional and psychological challenges. I was impressed with your faculty and program; however, I am unable to wait any longer and am withdrawing my application. Please remit my application fee and my dignity to the following address: 2468 Whoo Doweeappreicate Tired, State 00001 I appreciate X's efforts to overcharge me for my application, blithely review it, and dismiss it without alacrity. I wish you the best of luck. Sincerely, Y Director of Application Coordination and Emotional Response
  12. I think this depends on the program. But, Duke is great. What is your subfield? I'm assuming from your moniker that it's not American Politics.
  13. I'm wondering if I can get my money back from some of these schools *the poster says half-kidding*. I am emotionally spent and entirely frustrated by this whole experience. Waiting SUCKS.
  14. Here's a question about a "Status Checker." Why do schools use these if you can't actually get information about your status? I realize that sometimes they are used to monitor document intake, but even that process doesn't usually work. I am convinced schools use them to divert attention away from the Ad. Coordinator. Nevertheless, they are incredibly frustrating.
  15. The professor was talking about the winter months. During Summer and Fall (I don't really think there is a Spring) the place is great. Also, I wouldn't say AA is a corporate town at all, though UM takes up a lot of space. In fact, AA has, I think, the more restaurants per square mile than (almost) any other city. It also has some shops. It is a great place.
  16. I called today and the coordinator told me decisions had been made, but was ambiguous about when (i.e., "this week and next week") those decisions would go out. Sometimes, decisions need to be finalized by the DGS or the Graduate School. So, I wouldn't discount yourselves yet. EDIT: It also doesn't seem like anyone on gradcafe or yuster got in today, so that might be an indication that the emails will be going out tomorrow or later.
  17. I called.
  18. For those interested, UTexas decisions will be going out this week and next week.
  19. Well, you have at least one good option. Good luck on the rest. What is your subfield?
  20. I have not seen any acceptances. The few rejections seem like outliers. I was informed that Duke should be finishing either this week or next week. To what other places are you applying? Subfield?
  21. I wouldn't put too much stock into that at this point. My UW status is unchanged as well, but I don't think it means anything at all. At worst, it means UW hasn't gotten around to rejecting everyone (anyone?) yet.
  22. This issue was raised over at the yahoo group. It appears that some people who applied to Minnesota have tried to use their EMPLID--which is located in the online application under "Personal Information"--to *activate* an account on myU (located on UMinn website). This has worked for some (i.e., generating an Minnesota email account and access to myU) and not for others (i.e., the activation attempt failed). Has anyone else tried this? If yes, what result? Thoughts?
  23. This was a quiet week, it seems. Hopefully things will pick up next week.
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