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Columbia Social Work Program Fall 2018


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47 minutes ago, TooExcited&Nervous said:

You can probably explain circumstances and try to apply for fellowships or assistantships. If you are taking off a year, I highly suggest looking into doing City Year or another Americorp program. Certain schools will discount your tuition heavily for doing one of those programs. I have been throwing this suggestion out to many people because it is definitely a good option to look into.

If I had just myself to consider, I absolutely would, but I also have to consider my partner and what his job prospects will be wherever we move. Don’t you have very little control over where you get placed with those programs? Also, I feel like most of the deadlines for next year have already passed. I could be wrong though. I will look into it further. 

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12 hours ago, doctormelody said:

A question for those that have been admitted: how did you receive your financial aid information? Was it via email? They said it would be coming in about a week, and I just want to know what to be on the lookout for. Thanks!

You got your aid package the next day after your acceptance?!

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6 minutes ago, MSW2018?? said:

You got your aid package the next day after your acceptance?!

Two days after! I was accepted on Monday! But yeah, I’m glad it came so soon. Just wish it had been better news. ?

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8 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

On that note, does anyone know the process by which you submit an appeal? Do you just send them an email, or is there some kind of form you can fill out? I’m so lost, sorry.

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Just an FYI to anyone reading this in the Future:

I applied 3/3/18- Accepted 4/19/18

4.0 cumulative GPA. Columbia's deadline was 2/15/18. They extended it to 3/5 and I applied on a whim. I have a lot of community service and awards, been working as a substance abuse counselor for 3 years. Bachelors in English, Associates in Chemical Dependency Counseling. National and State Awards. Goes to show that applying late doesn't mean you won't get in. 

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Hello all!

New to this forum, and am in the same boat as many of  you  - I was accepted to Columbia's 2 year online program, but am really disappointed by the financial aid offer :(

I am thinking of appealing the decision, deferring, or possibly even looking into the Reduced Residency program/ scholarship. Any input is welcome!

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Ahh, you guys, I really need help.

I just talked to my dad and he was convinced that a degree from Columbia will cancel out the debt in the long run - meaning, he thinks I’ll make more money over the course of my life if I go there just by virtue of name recognition, the Ivy League factor, etc. He thinks it will open doors other schools won’t. I have no idea whether this is true in the social work field since I’m judging from my own limited anecdotal experience of being an elitist snob who in the past has chosen a therapist based on what school they went to. ?

I need to look more into PSLF and outside scholarships before I decide anything, but I remember people saying on here that they had talked to alumni who said the debt was not worth it. Does anyone know how I might get in contact with alumni myself? I have a friend in the program but ideally it would be someone who has graduated and spent at least a couple years in the field. 

I’m beginning to hate myself both for applying and for considering it. I feel like such a hypocrite given how many times I have given people the advice that I should probably give myself now: that the debt is not worth it, that I can’t reasonably expect to repay that on a social worker’s salary. Idk. I’m just so sad.

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26 minutes ago, doctormelody said:

Ahh, you guys, I really need help.

I just talked to my dad and he was convinced that a degree from Columbia will cancel out the debt in the long run - meaning, he thinks I’ll make more money over the course of my life if I go there just by virtue of name recognition, the Ivy League factor, etc. He thinks it will open doors other schools won’t. I have no idea whether this is true in the social work field since I’m judging from my own limited anecdotal experience of being an elitist snob who in the past has chosen a therapist based on what school they went to. ?

I need to look more into PSLF and outside scholarships before I decide anything, but I remember people saying on here that they had talked to alumni who said the debt was not worth it. Does anyone know how I might get in contact with alumni myself? I have a friend in the program but ideally it would be someone who has graduated and spent at least a couple years in the field. 

I’m beginning to hate myself both for applying and for considering it. I feel like such a hypocrite given how many times I have given people the advice that I should probably give myself now: that the debt is not worth it, that I can’t reasonably expect to repay that on a social worker’s salary. Idk. I’m just so sad.

My friend is finishing up her degree from Columbia right now and said the debt ($80,000) she incurred was worth it. She said the pedigree is invaluable and allows her to network with people from the likes of Harvard and Yale. That being said, she is currently looking for employment and people are offering her a meager salary that equates to $23-25/hr. I do not have my MSW and am being paid significantly more than that. However, I know she has the skill set to get a good paying job in the long run. That is what will boost the effectiveness of her degree from Columbia.  

I have a friend who graduated from NYU, and moved to California afterwards. He lived in a rent controlled apartment and was employed where I work now. He received his licensure, which increased his salary, and stayed at our organization for 5 years before he left to work for a government agency. For him, the school was worth it because it has a very good clinical program. However, he also told me MSW Programs are very similar and he could have gotten a similar education for cheaper elsewhere. 

Overall, I think where you receive your education will be highly valuable if you are looking for a government job or a very prestigious/well known organization. But having the proper skill set and work experience will be more valuable in the long run. If you do opt to go to Columbia, don’t just cruise on through and expect the prestige to land you a job. Really take advantage of your networks, school resources AND develop your skill set. 

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As anyone turned in their field placement forms for foundational year yet? Does anyone know the deadline for field placement form for Fall 2018? I'm wanting to turn it in, but I'm kind of waiting to see where I'll be in September....

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1 hour ago, cafelatte08 said:

My friend is finishing up her degree from Columbia right now and said the debt ($80,000) she incurred was worth it. She said the pedigree is invaluable and allows her to network with people from the likes of Harvard and Yale. That being said, she is currently looking for employment and people are offering her a meager salary that equates to $23-25/hr. I do not have my MSW and am being paid significantly more than that. However, I know she has the skill set to get a good paying job in the long run. That is what will boost the effectiveness of her degree from Columbia.  

I have a friend who graduated from NYU, and moved to California afterwards. He lived in a rent controlled apartment and was employed where I work now. He received his licensure, which increased his salary, and stayed at our organization for 5 years before he left to work for a government agency. For him, the school was worth it because it has a very good clinical program. However, he also told me MSW Programs are very similar and he could have gotten a similar education for cheaper elsewhere. 

Overall, I think where you receive your education will be highly valuable if you are looking for a government job or a very prestigious/well known organization. But having the proper skill set and work experience will be more valuable in the long run. If you do opt to go to Columbia, don’t just cruise on through and expect the prestige to land you a job. Really take advantage of your networks, school resources AND develop your skill set. 

This is really good advice, thank you. My stepmom said something similar about networking. It’s definitely a lot to consider.

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Question for anyone else who got waitlisted and didn’t accept: did you receive a “change in admission status” email today? I got a denial letter, but I also never told them I was accepting the waitlist so is that just a formality? I’m so confused.

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Does anyone, beside me, need to work full-time while completing their MSW? If so, what program are you choosing? My agency won't agree to the reduced residency, because they are wack (I work for the government as substance abuse counselor) but I can go into the extended program.... I just don't know if its actually feasible to complete this program while working full time. Anybody?

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