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Canadian MA in fields related to Human Rights

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I am struggling to make a decision about what graduate school to attend. I completed my BA(Hons) in Human Rights and because it is not a traditional discipline, I worry about what to pick for an MA program as my end goal is apply for a PhD. I applied and was admitted to:

  • York University for Socio-Legal Studies 
  • Carleton University for Legal Studies
  • University of Calgary for Political Science
  • Queens University for Political and Legal Thought

I am stuck between Calgary and Carleton. 

Calgary has been courting me very hard and has offered 39,000$ in funding over two years. I have a supervisor who studies my exact interests in political violence and genocide, but the program itself it quite conservative leaning. It is a traditional political science program, which is not bad, it is just not what I am used too. 

Carleton has reached out to me and has offered 32,000$ in funding over two years. I have two potential supervisors who seem very nice, but their focus is a little different than my proposed course of study. The program is interdisciplinary and fits more closely with the human rights focus I am used too. I am worried that by choosing this program I will be closing doors for PhD opportunities. Carleton also offers better psychological health services compared to Calgary. 

Any advice on how to make a decision would be appreciated. 




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Like @rising_star, I would also step outside my comfort zone for a 2 year program for a good research fit that will lead to better opportunities. I did do exactly that for my Masters. I have never lived in a place like Kingston before (both in the social/cultural sense and the physical environment/weather/distance from family sense). But the research fit with my advisor was perfect and it gave me what I needed to get into a good PhD program. I was a lot more picky about all the other factors for my PhD. 

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