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Something to think about


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Hi everyone,

So I live in NYC and commute to Jersey on a regular basis- thereby commuting on the same trains as Princeton and Rutgers professors and students.

Yesterday, I just so happened to sit behind a professor from one of these universities and noticed he was replying to his "application status request" emails. It took him less than 5 minutes to answer (approx.) 20 emails.

He did not even read the letter. He opened each email, pasted a reply, and sent back the answer...Now, I know this happens (probably more often than we think); and I assume that the text he was pasting was a generic "you'll be getting a response in X time" answer.... but seeing this happen with my own eyes made me think.....

anyway, just thought others might appreciate this info... sometimes the messages we get from professors really don't mean more than what's written in black and white....

Good luck to all!

Jillybean :P

Edited by Jillybean
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wow...if only we had the inside scoop on our ad comms...imagine how it would be, if we had a reality tv show with our ad comm on it...I think it would be interesting to see how they work.

what more would we learn about the process?

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wow...if only we had the inside scoop on our ad comms...imagine how it would be, if we had a reality tv show with our ad comm on it...I think it would be interesting to see how they work.

what more would we learn about the process?

Omg, I know. I have a feeling that ALL of us would be much more competitive applciants if we actually knew what goes on when applications are reviewed!!

I like the reality show idea... lol. If grad school doesn't work out, maybe someone should pitch that to a TV station! :D

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