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Late applicants to Columbia


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My application wasn't "late," exactly. It was submitted on time, but it wasn't considered complete until about a week later due to a straggling transcript from a community college I took courses at.

I haven't heard from Columbia yet, and I guess I'm just a little concerned, and definitely growing impatient! Has anyone else with a late completed application received a decision yet?

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Are you sure your application was considered "late"? If you ordered your transcript on time, it can take the receiving school some time to sort their mail and find it. Especially if they get a lot of applications.

I applied to the Columbia J-School (still waiting...think the 15th will be the day) and I was practically tearing out my hair waiting for them to find one of my transcripts. I was afraid it was never sent or lost in the mail, since that happened to me once before.

Took weeks before the transcript showed up as found on my application. But Columbia told me that's normal.

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Are you sure your application was considered "late"? If you ordered your transcript on time, it can take the receiving school some time to sort their mail and find it. Especially if they get a lot of applications.

I applied to the Columbia J-School (still waiting...think the 15th will be the day) and I was practically tearing out my hair waiting for them to find one of my transcripts. I was afraid it was never sent or lost in the mail, since that happened to me once before.

Took weeks before the transcript showed up as found on my application. But Columbia told me that's normal.

That could be the case! Which leaves me even more confused about why I haven't received a decision yet... :/ I read somewhere that the Social Work schools at least send their decisions out in batches at the end of the week (it may have been on these forums).

Normally I wouldn't be going so bonkers, but I received a decision from NYU and was accepted. I am really on the fence about both schools, and to not know about Columbia but to know that I DID get into NYU, has me all kinds of crazy and anxious to make a definitive decision.

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My file at Columbia wasn't complete until 2/18 because they misfiled one of my transcripts :( But I was accepted late last night, so I wouldn't worry, they are still accepting students and usually let people know at the end of the week.

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My file at Columbia wasn't complete until 2/18 because they misfiled one of my transcripts :( But I was accepted late last night, so I wouldn't worry, they are still accepting students and usually let people know at the end of the week.

Bahh, they accept people at night?! Now I'll never stop checking my email long enough to sleep! blink.gif Hehe, congrats though! Are you attending? Perhaps we will be classmates!

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My file at Columbia wasn't complete until 2/18 because they misfiled one of my transcripts :( But I was accepted late last night, so I wouldn't worry, they are still accepting students and usually let people know at the end of the week.

Also, were you the one who posted on the results page that you received your decision after sending them an emailing asking the status of your app?

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Nope that wasn't me, I just checked my email at about 5pm PT and saw the email directing me to the website. Not sure if I'll be able to attend, it all depends on the aid package (which they said I'd hear about in the next few weeks) and job opportunities for my husband in NYC. But I am definately planning to visit in April. For those who haven't heard don't lose hope!!! I'm sure they ae just accepting people in waves to make the admit process more manageable. Best of luck to everyone!!!!!

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I submitted and completed my application in mid December, but haven't heared from Columbia till now.

I've emailed the Admission Office, but no reply yet.

So, does this silence mean that I've been rejected?sad.gif

They're exceptionally busy right now, I wouldn't read into it. I called them 2 weeks ago to ask if I could have an extension on the date I had to accept/decline their offer by and got a call yesterday. Good luck!

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  • 1 year later...

They're exceptionally busy right now, I wouldn't read into it. I called them 2 weeks ago to ask if I could have an extension on the date I had to accept/decline their offer by and got a call yesterday. Good luck!

I know this has been a long time now, but I am wondering if they granted you the extension for the accept/decline date? I also am wanting to ask for an extension, but don't want to waste their or my time if they just say no to everyone.


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I wondered the same thing. Is it possible to get an extension, since many of us are still waiting to hear back from other schools and waiting on financial aid info?

Yes, it's possible. I got accepted in early February and am still waiting on financial aid info and to hear from other schools, so I emailed and requested an extension, and was given a few more weeks for my deposit deadline. So it's definitely worth a shot to call/email and ask!

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