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Hey guys! Just wondering if anyone can relate to my experience or can offer any helpful advice.

I began my SLP practicum working with kids ages birth-3 in First Steps, so I travel around to client's houses all day. My supervisor has made it very clear that this job is her life and schedules herself 11-12 hour days (sometimes longer) Monday through Friday. I am typically gone from 7am til 7-8pm or later. I think these hours are ridiculous....especially for a first time practicum student, but I am required to work the same hours as my supervisor. We are also going into some extremely dangerous neighborhoods and I often feel very unsafe. I was told by my school that they won't change my hours since she is directly treating clients for 40 hours per week (apparently it doesn't matter that we are actually working for 60 hours!!). They also won't allow me to decide whether or not I go to those dangerous neighborhoods (although my supervisor picked up these clients because the other SLPs refused to go to these areas).

Any advice on how to get through this? It's only been one week and I've come home crying every day and I'm completely overwhelmed. I constantly feel anxious and am not sleeping well either anymore. These hours aren't typical are they? This has really killed my desire to be in the field. 10 more weeks to go...

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Whoa that is rough! Mine were much more laidback and never that many hours. Unfortunately you’re probably stuck with the agreement the school made. For our school placements we were explicitly told not to readjust hours, even those with long commutes. I will say I don’t think that’s at all typical of the field. Every setting is different but that seems overkill. Find a way to take breaths, relax, be calm, and push through. 

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That is 100% not typical and sucks your program doesn't care about your safety.  We were allowed to request neighborhoods or cities and our clinical director worked with students if something major came up that caused a change in clinic that semester (i.e. Safety...never heard of it being a problem...or health problems etc)  I never did ECI but girls who did were not doing that many hours a week let alone day.  Those hours are not typical for our field at all!  I'm not sure if that is helpful at all but I hope it gives you hope for next semester. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Has the situation improved at all? I have never heard of an experience like that for a practicum! You should be able to go to your department and request a practicum change. Sometimes it's okay to burn a bridge with a supervisor if you truly feel unsafe, have high levels of anxiety, etc. No employer would require you to endure what you are enduring (source: I work in home health/ECI). Stand your ground! 

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I agree with @Schatzie15!! I have never heard of a placement like that. Your clinical director should be ensuring that their placements are appropriate/safe and not crazy hours. I would definitely approach your clinical director to voice your concerns. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately it has not gotten any better. Most days it feels like it has gotten worse and I am more stressed and anxious than ever. I still have 4 weeks left to go and I'm dreading every second of it. My supervisor was clearly not ready to have a student but I unfortunately got stuck with her. I have spoken with my school several times and they shut down all of my concerns every time. I still regret not dropping the practicum since it has made the last 7 weeks complete hell, but at this point with only 4 weeks left it'd be silly to drop it. I am 100% disappointed in my experience and the way my school has handled my concerns.

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Sounds like a crappy program!  Sorry that you're in this position.  I hope that they change in the future, i've never heard of a program being so dismissive of such a weird situation.  I'm really hopeful your next clinic will be a lot more positive.  Can you ask every student you know so your next rotation won't be torture?  Try getting someone pre-vetted haha.

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