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I am in dilemma and need your advice about reporting GRE scores



Hi, I am international applicant! I am in a dilemma and desperately need your advice! I took GRE twice first I got following scores : Q159, V 156 and AWA 3.5

Since my AWA score was pretty low I decided to try it again, this time I got Q156, V155 and in AWA 4.5, my AWA score is much better now, but Quantitative and Verbal scores are little lower

My target schools are Harvard kennedy mpp, columbia sipa Mpa, tufts fletcher MALD, Georgetown MSFS Syracuse maxwell mpa, washington ewans mpa,  the average GRE scores of accepted candidates at these schools are in around 70 percentiles. So, now I don't know what to do, the Verbal and Quantitative scores of my first GRE exam are above 70 percentiles and therefore above average scores at my target schools, but my AWA is below average, whereas Q and V scores of my second exam are little lower than average but AWA is above average What should I do? Should I report both scores? Or the first one? Or the second one? Will scoring a little less in Q and Verbal section lower my chances of accepting at these schools?

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I would say send the first scores. AW is not heavily looked at to begin with and you can easily make up with a stellar SOP and writing sample to showcase your writing ability. Any red flags the 3.5 would raise would probably be quickly extinguished once your essays are read. But, I am by no means an expert so do what you feel most comfortable doing.

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