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2010 Admissions Post-Game Party


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Apis is having an IRC-based party to celebrate the 2010 graduate school admissions season. You can come to the party by pointing your favorite IRC program (I recommend Chatzilla) at irc.rizon.net and going to the room called #admit on March 21 at 8:00 pm eastern. If you don't have IRC, you can still attend by going to http://admit.wondershock.net at the indicated time.

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VERY interesting! I'm going to drop in. Someone chime in here on the twitter client to remind us on Sunday maybe?

I'm having trouble figuring out how to work the Twitter thing, but will try to before tomorrow night. if not, maybe someone who does know how to use it can do that. I hope a lot of people show even though its late in the season and a lot of people are tired of thinking about this stuff. If there is enough interest, and if I could get WGI or TGC to link to it, though, I might leave the chatroom on Wondershock up permanently and using it to host weekly chats during the admissions season last year.

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